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​I need help locating three former members of HMM 164 from 1967

1 Posts
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Posts: 128
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Gentlemen, Greetings! I need your assistance.

I’ve been in touch with Bill Mc Bride a survivor and formerly of Team Partyline, from the 1st Squad, 2nd Plt, of the 3rd Reconnaissance Bttn, 3rd Marines. Bill has asked me to try and locate the surviving HMM 164 enlisted Crews of both of our aircraft involved in the ill fated emergency extraction mission in Ashau Valley on 3 August 1967.

I am trying to find the following three HMM-164 members who were involved in the mission wherein YT-5 was shot down by either a B-40 or possibly a 120 mm rocket during an emergency extraction of Recon Team Partyline on August 3, 1967 that resulted in the Crew Chief Tom Gopp and three of the Partyline team being KIA in Ashau Valley.

The men I wish to locate are:

LAUBACH, D.W. Gunner on YT-5

(The Pilot was Connolly, J.L and the CoPilot was W. W. Lindsay both survived the crash.)

The enlisted crew of YT-6, the wingman were:

JACKSON, C.D. Crew Chief of YT-6

GORSKI, D.L. Gunner on YT-6

(The Pilot of YT-6 was Kirk, A. and CoPilot was Brodie, D.C.)

Should anyone know of these men and their current disposition, please advise Cnowotny@gmail.com Thank you.

I've attached the insertion AA Report and the AA report of loss of YT-5.

Semper Fidelis


Semper Fidelis


Posted : 2016-02-12 21:28