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HMX-1 Marine One
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HMX-1 Marine One

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Lookin for info to get into HMX-1

Posted : 2009-08-18 11:04
Posts: 4415
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Where you at now Dog? I think you have to be pretty squared away and are picked for HMX.

Posted : 2009-08-18 18:27
Posts: 320
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Check MCO 1326.7E (Selection and Screening Criteria For Marines Assigned to Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1)) for requirements.

Posted : 2009-08-18 21:53
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in P-Cola

thanks for such a quick reply... im still at Pensacola NAS for aircrew school, i graduate in a few weeks and then to SERE school... im not done with all my schooling for a good solid year i think, but i did hear about some fast track program they're doin for the 53 crewchiefs due to the need for em' in afghanistan... anyways I really want to get into HMX-1 if at all possible this early in my Marine corps career, and wanna get to know anything that will help me out getting into it...

Posted : 2009-08-19 13:53
Posts: 4415
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Dog look up Capt Ken "Drag" Morrow he's an instructor down there. Drag has friends in HMX and may be able to get you some good info. Good Luck!

Posted : 2009-08-20 08:20
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HMX-1 Reply

Dog here's the answer I got from a friend in HMX when I sent him your question. You may be contacted, let me know if you make contact, and good luck!

Yes, we'll check him out, although we generally prefer to take crewchiefs and mechs with some fleet experience rather than right out of school. Even if he's not ready for HMX-1 now, perhaps down the line after he gets some salt on his flight suit.

Posted : 2009-08-27 19:31
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Thanks Tim I really appreciate it. I have asked about Capt. Morrow and he's no longer an instructor but works up on the "hill" so haven't really found time or a reason to go up there... Privates don't really go up there to talk so somebody like that. But anyways thanks again.

Posted : 2009-08-28 09:49
Posts: 4415
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Dog you can talk to Capt Ken "Drag" Morrow he's a good friend of mine and I told him about you. If you talk to "Drag" mention my name. I think he's the CO or XO there now. The other guy I talked to about you is a Maj and he is with HMX-1. I don't know if you saw my post, but he said they will take a look at you. Good Luck!

Posted : 2009-08-29 05:21
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Dog Drag told me he talked to you. I told you he's a good guy.

Posted : 2009-09-04 11:14
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Hey Tim thanks for the reference to Capt. Morrow. He was very informative and gave me a few good resources to speak to, a few Sergeants and a Staff Sergeant that have HMX-1 experience. Capt. Morrow and the NCO's that i spoke with all told me that It would be in my best interest to get some fleet experience and do a few deployments to gain some rep. and knowledge/experience w/ my aircraft platform. They told me that if i go HMX-1 first I'll be the boot surrounded by fleet veterans and will just be trampled on my entire time in HMX, which is true, also when I return to the fleet that I'm going to have no combat experience which is gonna result in me also gettin ran over by LCpl's and Corporals below me because I'm "immature" in a combat environment... All very true and great advice.. I'm very appreciative of the responses i got from Capt. and my instructors, also very thankful that they took the time to inform me on all of this, but still theres a small itch to go HMX regardless.. Capt. Morrow told me if I still feel i want to go for it than to come back in and we'll talk. I think I'll give it some time and let it marinade in my noggin for a little bit. Oh and Capt. Morrow spoke highly of you, thank you Tim for all the help. If you dont mind me asking, what did you do when you were still in? I'm assuming pilot.....

-Have a good morning

Posted : 2009-09-04 16:00
Posts: 4415
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No not a pilot Dog I was a hydraulics mechanic (bubble chaser) on CH-46's, and flew as a gunner in Vietnam. I'm still in touch with members of my squadron from my Vietnam days and current squadron members. That's how I know Drag he was in my squadron HMM-262 when they deployed to Iraq. One big family and brotherhood, the entire Corps. They are just our younger "Brothers" and we have mutual respect tor each other. You too are one of us!

Posted : 2009-09-04 18:19