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Help claim for PTSD
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Help claim for PTSD

2 Posts
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I was TAD w/ One of the Prov rifles companies in my tour there, I have spent 34 years trying to cover up, now as I am filing a claim the VA claims I was not awarded the Combat award atc. and I know I was. I was a combat Marine TAD from ORD?Maint. Co. Have ytiou or anyone any ides how I can get anyone to corraborate any of the 4 ops I was on, so I can collect on my claim for PTSD. @ VA doctaors have signed off on it, but the VA claims w/o corraborating evidence or persons to do so I am out of luck! I cannot believe they are trating us this way. Any help advise?

R.E.Spangengerg USMC
21 May 1970- March 1971

GHOST [resghost@coastalnet.com]

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-03-07 08:39
Posts: 4
New Member

Dear RE
What are the dates you where turned down? Because as I understand it you only have 1 year to get the paperwork in to contest it. So Time is of the essence. I am in the same boat and posting notices and sending emails. It might help if you include some specifics and a picture of you at the time. Old high school photo if you don't have any vietnam pics.
Let me know If I can help in andy way.
Daren Larson

Posted : 2004-07-11 13:08