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French resort in Vi...
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French resort in Vietnam - Bin Na??

11 Posts
7 Users
Posts: 125
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Does anyone remember the correct name and/or location (coordinates?) of the French resort which sat on a mountain top, between 5,000 & 6,000 feet. I believe that the Recon teams used it for a radio relay station. The LZ was on the tennis courts.

Semper Fi -

Posted : 2005-04-02 20:19
Posts: 12
Active Member

French resort in Vietnam-Bin Na??

Rumor was when we dropped Recon off in '66',that the resort was used by local royalty long before the French. The Royalty would ride their elephants up to the Mt. top to escape the heat of the summer. I noted the buildings looked ancient.

Wayne Hazelbaker

Posted : 2005-04-03 13:48
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French Resort

Sounds like Muc Ba: Flew over it many times. Have video of it. Lots of Bengal Tigers up there. It was beautiful and inviting because it was cool up there.
S. W. of DaNang about 30 miles???
Would have to check my maps for proper name.

Posted : 2005-04-03 21:50
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
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Would this be "Tiger Mountain", as we used to call it? A hunting resort for the few near DaNang.

Posted : 2005-04-04 02:17
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Tiger Mountain

The Tiger Mountain that I remember is on map sheet 6541 II, coord's
ZC 060925. Shows access road coming south from Phu Loc. 1430' high.

Hope that's the one.
Semper Fi,

Posted : 2005-04-04 14:00
Bruce Colbert
Posts: 11
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French Resort

:rolleyes: We used to go up there to rotate Recon Teams. Never took a round as I can recall. Would it be Dong Din?

Bruce Colbert

Posted : 2005-04-04 18:37
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Bach Ma (Tiger Mountain)

Bach Ma is only 1430'high. Seemed like 6,000' over there. Look on map sheet
#6541 II, coord's ZC060925. Attaching a map of the area. You can see the
road going North to Phu Loc.

That's the only Tiger mountain that I remember. There were lots of tigers over there but I remember Bach Ma being their "In Country R&R area".

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2005-04-04 22:14
Posts: 125
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French Resort

If this painting is correct, then I don't think it would be Dong Din, I found this on the Vietnam Veterans Home Page: vietvet.org/artsofwar/dongdin.htm

Dong Din, Jan., ' 68 (1987). Watercolor. 13" x 10".

"An OP NW of Danang, Hill 800, seemed always to be socked in."

Posted : 2005-04-05 08:28
Posts: 4
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might be DAK NHE over by the line=60 miles from da nang

Posted : 2005-04-07 12:43
Bill Schwarz
Posts: 1
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French Resort

I think the place was called Ba Na. The altitude was about 6000 feet. Difficult landing there, with CH-46 rotor system in "Forward". There was a recon radio relay team there on a permanent basis, and they always were wearing field jackets because of the cold.

Posted : 2005-04-21 07:12
Posts: 125
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Ba Na


That's it, alright!! Thanks. Now all I need to do is look it up on the internet and get some coordinates.

Thanks !!

Posted : 2005-05-09 08:11