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Found him at long last

1 Posts
1 Users
Roy Pitt
Posts: 56
Trusted Member
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Thanks to my association with VHA and OBA, today I talked on the phone with my old boss from RVN. He was pleased to hear that he no longer needed to remind me that I needed a haircut. Now MGySgt Clark Garichen then SSgt is sorry to here that I still have my Zumwalt mustach, he wanted that also. He was pleased to hear that his P/C and Asst. Line Chief was not UA for 30+ years and ready at his comand to make the schedule.
I see on the notam, people looking, I thought you ought to hear about one that found. He asked about Reno, I will send him all that is needed. If he is able to show up, you may all stand-by to see Arm Pitt make a fool of himself yet one more time.
Thanks to you all for making this kind of stuff possible.

The time, the inclination, and the where-with-all

Posted : 2004-03-06 17:54