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Change of Runway......
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Change of Runway...hangar space..,re: Henry Wildfang, Golden Eagle of yore

2 Posts
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Posts: 160
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Henry's son Phil related to me today that Henry (@ his own request) has relocated himself to an "assisted-living" unit in Lockport, TX.
Comm freq : 361.790.0414.
Zip Code: 78382

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Posted : 2013-07-26 00:49
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Change of Runway...hangar space..,re: Henry Wildfang, Golden Eagle of yore

Sad to hear that. Had called him monthly until while back when it appeared a burden for him. We shared memories of old Marines going back to 1942 when we both came in the Corp. I first served in the same Sqd with him in 1954 at El Toro. He was than a Msgt E7 flying the old shuddering C119. He told me about his B24 Photo missions at Guadacanal back 1943. Several of you here served in Vietnam with him in his later years in the Corp. He will never be forgotten long as we are still around !! Wish him all the best in his new Billets !! Semper Fidelis PM

Posted : 2013-07-27 01:45