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Captain George W. Atteberry TUNA HMM-163 364 / 1965

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----- Original Message -----
From: Gwatteberry@cs.com
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com ; byrdktchr@earthlink.net
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:19 PM
Subject: Proof of Vietnam Service

I am trying to prove to the VA that I was in Vietnam, on the ground, with HMM-163, and HMM-364 during 1965. My DD-214 shows awards for service in Vietnam, and the National Records Center is conducting another search for proof. ( The 1973 fire at St Louis might have destroyed my records ) I had Prostate Cancer and received treatment, finishing up in Nov 2004. The VA had done the Agent Orange Protocol screening, in 2000, and acknowledged my service in Vietnam at that time. After release from active duty as a Regular Officer, in 1968, I served twenty more years as a Reserve, clearing two Promotion Screening Boards, scrutinizing my awards and service. The VA mentioned in a letter to me, after not having a record of my Vietnam Service, I could get a letter from a "BUDDY" that served with me in Vietnam, stating I went to the same Chow Hall, and swallowed the Red Malaria pill, dutifully, every day.

George W. Atteberry
Captain HMM-163 ( Danang ), HMM-364 ( Ky Ha near Chu Lai )
An e-Mail to reno.query@vba.va.gov in case # 444 30 6898 of George W. Atteberry with a cc to me would be greatly appreciated.


PS: I talked to John Hax a couple months ago, during my treatment, and he was recovering from the same, Old Mans' disease.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2005-01-01 21:48
Posts: 896
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"TUNA" you are listed here



The "Purple Foxes"
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George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2005-01-01 21:58
terry gill
Posts: 3
New Member

looking for anyone who knew cpt. robert (bobby) czaus

i am looking for anyone who may have served with robert (bobby) czaus. i think he was a captain. he flew medivacs with the hmm 163 68 - 70. he also was awarded purple hearts, and distinguished cross medals. he was a relative and i cannot find out much info on him. i am very proud of him and his service and would like to know more. he passed away in 87 of a heart attack while shoveling snow. my email address is tgill2001@charter.net please let me know if there is anyone out there that knew him. thank you. t gill.

Posted : 2005-03-12 20:40
Posts: 6
Active Member

George "Charlie Tuna" Atteberry

What did you do with your records, Tuna? I can vouch for you through my local VA office if you'd like, and I have the March 65 Life Magazine article and pictures that Larry Burrows (God rest his soul) took while he was with us in DaNang. You're in a group briefing shot that was published. Unless that's your twin, and God forbid there is more than one of you, that should be proof positive. So what malady do you and Hax have that the VA can fix for you two? They're not miracle workers, you know? You have my email so drop a line if you need help. SF, Paunch

Posted : 2006-02-09 11:02
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

went thru the same thing with the records center a couple of years ago and was told to ask dot for my dd-214 (which in my case was just a letter stating I was a Vietnam era vet) and for for my 206 file (I think that was the number) that they had and it is every thing that was in your service record including my time at Ky Ha in 65-66. as well as all metals, every duty station all Capt.'s mast every promotion ect. ask for that and you will get your proof.
by the way the VA says there were no Marine records destroyed in that 70s fire. hope this helps
Chuck Linn
USMC 1958-1968

Posted : 2006-02-10 14:53
Posts: 3
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USMC Records

To All:

The USMC daily personnel reports, from 1940 - 1970, are available at both the National Archives, College Park, MD and at the USMC Historical Center, Quantico, VA. We have been successful in locating the necessary records for VA cases through these and other records available in the National Archives. While we do charge for our services, we keep our fees as low as possible for these services. If interested please contact;

Thomas F. McCaffery, CDR, USN (ret)
703 548 6144

Posted : 2006-02-12 20:21