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Buzz Moran

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I'm trying to track down Buzz Moran. Buzz didn't go over as a helicopter pilot. His famous saying was "I'm a reserve LT flying helicopters going to Vietnam so what are you going to do to me?" He was my student at 362 when I could catch him. After he hosed down the Santa Ana O club during the base CO's reception The USMC made him a Forward Air Controler and put him with a So Vietnamese ARVN unit. The ARVNs ran when they encountered a NVA unit and Buzz's radio operator was killed when the NVA over ran his position. Buzz called the strike on his own position with great effect on the NVA unit. He survived being over run and was slated for a Silver Star however that award might have been complicated because he was determined to shoot the ARVN Col whose retreat resulted in the death of Moran's radio Operator. Moran might sound like a crazo but he was a genuine hero and a natural leader. I always thought he'd make one hell of a fighting General. This was in 66 and I've not heard of him since. Any help would be appreciated. Mostly I want to know if he made it back to the States alive. Thanks

Posted : 2008-03-16 13:14