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Attention on deck, we need your help

1 Posts
1 Users
cpl miller
(@cpl miller)
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

Attention on deck,

Our in-house storage of old boot camp graduation books is growing everyday with donated books and in some cases platoon pictures. It’s an honor maintaining this collection we really need to get the word out to those Marines searching for their graduation books.

Although we’ve posted listings of books we have in-house on a number of Marine web sites the word doesn’t seem to be getting out to the general Marine population. If you are a member of organizations like the MCL, or VFW please pass the word these books are available free of charge to those Marines who have lost their books.

For those of you that have an extra copy of your graduation book, or simply picked one up at a garage sale please let us know you have them so we can direct Marines to you.

We have added a new feature to the boot camp database where we now list those that have a book from that platoon. We list the person’s name and contact information in the platoon section the book belongs to.

An up-to-date listing of archived books can be found at the following link.


Questions and or comments can be directed:

Carry On Marines!!

The Yellow footprints team

Posted : 2010-03-24 12:00