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Attention On Deck.....
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Attention On Deck....

1 Posts
1 Users
cpl miller
(@cpl miller)
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

Attention on deck,

As many of you know Yellow Footprints has been under some major changes, one of which is the moving of the site to faster more powerful servers. With the amount of visitors we receive the band width can and does get chocked at times which has slowed the site down.

With the goal of serving members and non-members alike we feel it’s important to not only offer you a free place to store your historical information, but also have confidence in the site and it’s abilities to serve that goal. Data stored on the site and its database’s are backed up nightly within the server pool, and off line to protect your information. It’s the speed of access, and the different parts of the site that we need to upgrade.

With that said, as of today the site will be down for up to a week while these upgrades take place. We appreciate your understanding as we perform these tasks, and look forward to the sites return.

The Yellow Footprints Team

Posted : 2008-08-05 11:21