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Anyone know my Father - SSgt David L Moser - MIA/KIA 661006 HMM-265

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I am looking for anyone who might have known my father, SSgt David L Moser who served with HMM 265 in 1966. He was a crew chief on a flight that went MIA 661006. The wreckage was discovered in 1969, but I really know little about the incident. I would appreciate any information anyone might have. Also, I would enjoy talking to anyone who know my dad. I wasn't very old when he died. Also, did any of you know my uncle, MSgt Tom Jefferson?

Thanks for your help and thanks for your sacrifices!

Jeff Moser

Posted : 2003-10-28 16:45
Posts: 896
Prominent Member


MOSER DAVID LLOYD GEORGE : 1598015 : USMC : SSGT : E6 : 6418 : 27 : MC KEESPORT : PA : 19661006 : Air Loss Crash Land : Crew : body recovered : Quang Nam (Da Nang) :06 : 19390331 : Cauc : Protestant/married : 11E : 053

Incident Date 661006 HMM-265 CH-46A 151960+ Crash


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-10-28 17:17
Roger E Sargent
Posts: 4
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David Moser

There is a posting by a LTC Jerry Dooley on the Vietnam Wall site who knew SSG Moser. His last known email address was jerreleanordoo@home.com

Hope this helps.

Roger E Sargent

Posted : 2004-03-08 21:22
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Ssgt Moser HMM-265

Jerry Dooley passed on two years ago. I was in HMM-265 when an aircraft coming back from Dong Ha never arrived at MMAF. We searched for several days to no avail. The aircraft was found in the Hai Van pass area north of Danang in 1969. It had crashed into a mountain. Pilot was Bill Johnson whose funeral I attended in Arlington, Va soon after.

Posted : 2004-03-10 12:18
Posts: 1
New Member

jeffdmoser;13285 wrote: I am looking for anyone who might have known my father, SSgt David L Moser who served with HMM 265 in 1966. He was a crew chief on a flight that went MIA 661006. The wreckage was discovered in 1969, but I really know little about the incident. I would appreciate any information anyone might have. Also, I would enjoy talking to anyone who know my dad. I wasn't very old when he died. Also, did any of you know my uncle, MSgt Tom Jefferson?

Thanks for your help and thanks for your sacrifices!

Jeff Moser

Dear Jeff I served with your dad in 265 Call me @951 737 1749 as I am not computer smart. I can tell you some stories you might enjoy hearing. I can say your dad was a good fellow and a good Marine

Posted : 2009-02-02 11:57
Posts: 15
Active Member

SSgt David L. Moser


Knew your Dad. We were stationed together at New River in HMR(c) 263
in the late 50's. he was a brown bagger so I knew him mostly at work. He was a real pleasant guy to be around, always had a smile on his face and
very upbeat. I went to Nam in late 66 and thats where I learned that his
aircraft was missing. The corps lost a good man when they lost him and
I extend my condolences.

Bob Adams


Posted : 2009-02-11 16:18
Tim Bastyr
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Hello, Jeff.

We corresponded a few years back. You will recall that I knew your father and flew with him a few times. I also knew your uncle. Tom and I worked in the Avionics Shop together.

Your father's aircraft was returning from Dong Ha at night. It was monsoon season and visibility was very poor. All we knew the next morning was that the aircraf had disappeared. Just about the entire squadron worked on the search effort for several days. We never found a trace of the aircraft.

It was not until the late 1990's at the first Pop-A-Smoke reunion I attended that I learned the aircraft was found in 1969. It had crashed into a mountain side.

Tim Bastyr

Posted : 2009-02-11 22:00
Posts: 0
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SSgt Moser

I knew your father as we were mechanics and crewchiefs together for several years. I was with HMM-265 from 1962 until 1967, when trnsferred to HMM-164. W had some good times together, learning how to be better crewchiefs on the CH-46A helicopter. Give me a call at 706-764-1759 and let me have your address as I can give you a list of HMM-265, back then.

Posted : 2009-02-12 23:09