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Anybody know Corpmsman Walter Pidgeon?

1 Posts
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Posts: 125
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I am posting this for Joe Pidgeon. Cannot find any record of his Dad in HMM-262 Flying Tigers. Can anyone assist? Maybe HMM-361?

I am hoping you can help me. My name is Joe Pidgeon. My father served as a corpsman in Viet Nam. He is very vague about information. I am hoping that you, or someone else, may remember him serving with your unit. During a recent conversation, I asked my dad what unit he had served with. He said he thought it was HMM-262. His name is Walter Pidgeon. I believe he served sometime around 1967/1968. I do know that when he returned to the states he bought a brand new 1969 Ford pickup. He was from Dixon, California.

The reason I ask is this. When I was in elementary school, my dad would let me wear a hat he had been given. It was a Marine Corp cover, jungle camouflage, with embroidery. The front had two eyes and the back had "Doc". One of the sides had the helicopter squadron and I cannot recall what the other side had. My dad mentioned that he thought it had "Flying Tigers".

Unfortunately, I lost this hat. Being young, I didn't understand the importance of the war or the hat he was given. I would like to replace it, and I want to be sure of its accuracy.

Any information you could provide would be helpful and I apologize for any inaccurate names given (squadrons, etc).

Thank you for your time.

Joe Pidgeon
Temecula, CA
EMAIL: pidg@Temvalley.com

Posted : 2004-12-24 09:20