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1969 MAG36 HMH-462 ...
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1969 MAG36 HMH-462 need collaboration of events for PTSD Daren Larson

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My name is Daren Larson I am a Marine who was with the MAG36 in Vietnam 1969. I want to find some of the people that served with me. We where attached to the HMH-462 and stationed in Phu-Bai near Hue city. I was mainly a Truck driver, but did other missions as well. I have been turned down by the VA for my PTSD benefits, even though they admit I have PTSD, because they have no collaboration for the events. They have lost my records or never kept any. The records they do have are mostly blank One paper seemed to have been filled in on the same day by the same typewriter. I need to find somebody that can verify they where with me or saw what I saw and can put it in writing; a witness to the events that happened.
The dates of my arrival and departure also seem incorrect. I arrived sometime in May or early June 1969; my papers say July 2nd. The night of my arrival the Amo-Depot in DaNang was hit. Earlier that day we flew in on 2 commercial airplanes, Continental Airlines, from Camp Pendelton via Hawaii. The DaNang airport was under attack during our landings. If you know anything please contact me. I shipped from Vietnam to Okinawa on the New Orleans. Do you know how many trips she made and what dates?
I was driving my truck when it was hit by mortars. Our PX was hit while I was there. My bunk was hit, fortunately I was not in it. I had ambulance duty for a month starting July 7th. My truck’s brakes went out going down the Haivan Pass and the trucks in front of me had to slow me down and stop me. I spent some time in Quang Tri Province. Many other tragic events took place that I can’t mention here.
I am looking for my buddies and anyone who was there and remembers anything at all. I have a lot of night mares and sometimes doubt my own recollection of events.
I live in Grass Valley, California Semper Fi
email: utel@nccn.net Daren Larson

Posted : 2004-07-09 00:42