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1/12/69 Crash
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1/12/69 Crash

5 Posts
4 Users
Bruce Swander
Posts: 8
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Topic starter

On 1/12/69, a MC UH-1E crashed while extracting a SOG team just west of Khe Sanh, no casualties. Am trying to find out what Unit it was from. Believe it may have been Tail 151789 or 154772. Believe that the 1E was part of a Mobile Launch Team based just off to the side of the Quang Tri airstrip, and used the callsign of Scarface, supporting 3rd Recon.

Posted : 2004-01-02 11:33
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

I do not have a list of our BuNos, however, "Scarface" was the call sign of HML-367 and we were flying the UH-1E Huey Gunships out of the Phu Bai Airfield in January 69.

I was in HML-367 from January 69 until May of 71

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-01-02 13:38
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

The HML-367 Command Chronology for Jan 69 shows the following aircraft as destroyed or damaged:
154762 VT-6 (Strike)
155338 VT-18 (Strike)
154775 VT-10 (Echo)
154778 VT-13 (Echo)
155339 VT-14 (Echo)
154774 VT-25 (Echo)

The report gives the dates for aircraft incidents, but not which aircraft was involved:
Strikes: 15, 29 Jan
12, 14, 27, 28 Jan for the Echo incidents.

The 15 Jan incident occurred in a denied area.

Posted : 2004-01-03 22:12
Posts: 320
Reputable Member

HML-367 Aircraft Damage incidents Jan 1969

12 Jan
Aircraft received one small arms round through main rotor blade. Echo damage. No injuries.

14 Jan
Aircraft received one small arms round through cargo compartment. Echo damage. No injuries.

15 Jan
During gun run aircraft received intense enemy fire. Pilot reported engine failure at approximately 800' AGL and made auto rotation into rough, rolling terrain. Aircraft was in a denied area and was destroyed by fire which resulted in Alpha damage. Co-pilot received Bravo injuries.

27 Jan
Aircraft received one small arms round through tail pylon. Echo damage. No injuries.

29 Jan
Aircraft received three small arms rounds, one through starboard door, and two through tail pylon. Echo damage. No

29 Jan
Aircraft was executing a low altitude visual recon, checking observed personnel in extremely high threat area when partial power loss, suspected to be caused by enemy ground fire, forced the pilot to land. Airborne FAC observed enemy troops around, on and inside aircraft. Subsequent air strikes caused strike damage to aircraft. No injuries.

Source: HML-367 Command Chronology, Jan 1969, Part III Significant Events, pp 2-3

Posted : 2004-01-07 14:45
Posts: 0
New Member

The strike on the 15th of January involved 154762.
I have no data for the 29th, but have one for the 27th, maybe typing mistake, involving 155338.

Posted : 2004-01-11 10:52