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My uncle, Charles V...
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My uncle, Charles Vesey...

5 Posts
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Received via e-mail:
Kim Levaux

I found your site while performing a random Google search for my uncle's name. My uncle, Charles Vesey, was killed in action April 20, 1969. The information provided on your site was the first time in my life that I received first-hand information regarding my uncle's death. I knew that he was not killed while performing a mission; rather, he died going to see a movie on the ground. The eye witness information provided by Tom Dabney was incredibly moving and provided me with a sense of pride. My uncle's death was not talked about much in my family. I'm glad his memory lives on in others. Thank you for putting this site together for those that survived and for those who remember those who did not......


Posted : 2003-11-27 13:39
Posts: 3132
Active Members


Charlie was one of the "good guys" if there ever was one. Good Avionics tech and all around nice guy. He arrived as we were deployed on the Tripoli, LPH 10 as I remember.
Semper Fi, Charlie

Posted : 2003-11-27 21:05
Darrell Asplund
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

If I remember right, the movie may have been
"The Green Beret"!
I recall setting in the sand, near the projection booth
when we got rocketed at Marble. May not have been
same incident.


Semper Fi

I'd rather fly than walk!

Darrell Asplund

Posted : 2003-11-28 00:32
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

Charles Vesey

I remember the attack very well and its consequence. I remember going to the Memorial Service and how well attended it was.

See: http://www.hmm165whiteknights.com/68-70pho/1969pho1.htm



Posted : 2003-11-30 14:09
"Sully" Sullenberger
Posts: 16
Active Member

Charlie Vesey

Charlie was, indeed, one of the "good guys". He was among my closest friends. He was a "FANTASTIC" tech. He and I worked 27 hrs. straight on YW-19 (?) in PhuBai to repair a TACAN wire bundle that had been severed by incoming small (?) arms fire. (I got 'tricked' into the job by Bob Muscat, and Charlie helped me out). I have some pictures of him I'll post later. Joe, Charlie joined us in Ky Ha just prior to the move to Phu Bai. He was on the Valley Forge Deployment. You guys went onboard the Tripoli sometime after I rotated out (in Apr. '68)

To Charlie's Neice : Your Uncle Charlie would do to "ride the river with"

Posted : 2005-05-13 11:00