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Where do you look?
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Where do you look?

4 Posts
2 Users
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So there I was. I happen to be working out of town this week and I really appreciate POPASMOKE so I can peruse around and sort of relate to home and stir up some memories. I was looking around the site and a strange thing occurred to me. When I look at a helicopters I always look at the middle or center where I always was. I am curious, where do you pilots look? I think from the front, right? I hope so, cause I think I was only along for the ride, thank you very much. I can remember the pilot saying we are going in for this or there for that and I can only remember thinking---- Hell yeah, my adrenalin ran and I gritted my teeth! My Mother has always thanked you for bringing me home.

Thank you to all the pilots I flew with! Oh yeah, the crew chiefs also!

Posted : 2009-02-09 22:40
Posts: 3125
Active Members

One seat

Always look at the Crew Chief's seat, if I can see the Starboard side....wondering if they were thinking stuff I thought, when I was checking for other aircraft and dreaming about home....(non-combat situation of course), like we see 'em today...Roger Sir, clear right...no traffic.

Posted : 2009-02-10 18:13
Posts: 0
New Member

Oh Yeah!

I had forgotten about the clear right, clear left. I don't remember exactly when this checking in began at the zone. Seem as though it was always clear right first because he was usually the first mech.----then clear left from the port side gunner. Didn't the crew chief come in somewhere and follow up with something. Geez it's been a long time. Got a few of them cob webs in there I guess. Hadn't thought of short cords and long cords in a while either. I always like when the Pilots turn the volume on the ADF to where we could hear it in back.

Posted : 2009-02-10 18:45
Posts: 3125
Active Members

Starboard gunner?

You'll have to excuse me, I flew CH-46A's...we didn't have Starboard gunners, the Crew Chief was IT! That meant an extra Med-Evac or a few extra pounds of C-rats, etc...We were very weight conscious!!:D

Posted : 2009-02-10 22:22