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What is happening to us?

13 Posts
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Roy Pitt
Posts: 56
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I am sure that this set of random thoughts will be edited to death or deleted as it may be too bold. What have we become a group of painty waists with nothing controversial to say? That was the draw in the begining but we have been so watered down, for the gereral public viewing, that no one cares anymore. We are begining to look like an Airforce group, where is the colorful language and hard nosed attitude that we are famous for? Could it be that I was AWOL during the sensitivity training required by the ACLU? I know that we are all getting old and think that if we clean up our acts that we may get into heaven. My heaven is staffed by Marines, and I plan to live up to their expectations. If Chesty were to read this stuff, what would he think?
Is it all about the money? Is it all about who was there and who wasn't? We are old and need to work on some issues, but that is not allowed. Working it out amoung ourselves is a good thing, and if the public listens in maybe they will get the hang on what our younger brothers in Iraq may come home with and show some compassion. Now don't get me wrong, what the want'a be's, never been's, think of me is the last thing I give a s#@t about. Helping out our brothers today is the right thing to do, and if I can help then I'm up for it.
Is it the difference between Officers and enlisted, not to my knowledge and I talk to both regularly. What I find is that we have more in common than different. I found that full bird Col. Ron Fix loved a sgt. equilly as much as his P/C loved him back "me". While on active duty it is required that an officer watch out for his troops and his men look out for him. Now that we are just average Joe's it is ok to be friends on a much richer level.
I had a thing happen last weekend in FW and would like to talk to my brothers about it. Due to my limited use of the english language (all Marine tought and all Marine learned) I don't dare lay it out here. I have no other way to reach out to so many that I know and those that I don't. There are those out there that have had this kind of experence and could help me put the right twist on it.
Just writing this out and re-reading it has helped, is there no place we can go to just hash things out, then put them to bed? You can get the gosh awfulest things on the web these days, so what is the big to-do here?

The time, the inclination, and the where-with-all

Posted : 2006-08-19 13:09
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

C'mon Roy. I'd really like to hear what you have to say.
Personally, I think that there are several things now lacking from the reunion...I've been to three...'90, '98, & 06.
My professional opinion as a CPT of Marines (OJT psychologist) and a designated/licensed USMC Gynecologist By USMC Maj Charles Whimmler in Jan 0f '70, is that there is a destinct cut-off point of social conduct in the USMC that began in the late '70's and really took hold in the '80's. It affected all ranks equally and took away one of the most meanigful and powerful learning tools the Marine Corps ever had.
The result of this observation is many fold...Marines are self destructive in Garrison. Marines need beer, etc, or they will turn to that other shtuff. There just simply has to be a forum where Marines can talk freely and inquire openly without penalty. Beer outings, clubs, bosses nights, etc. Officers need to hob nob without fear of offending another and be able to relate in both directions of the chain of command, SNCO's need to relate in both directions openly and without fear of recourse. Troops should not feel like whipped puppies with no humility. This discourse can go on, perhaps another place than here.

Posted : 2006-08-26 23:02
Posts: 592
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This discourse can go on, perhaps another place than here.

No truer words

Posted : 2006-08-27 11:04
Roy Pitt
Posts: 56
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Topic starter

Thanks Slick
My point exactly, in 10 words, no less.

The time, the inclination, and the where-with-all

Posted : 2006-08-27 19:40
Roy Pitt
Posts: 56
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Topic starter

Well, don't this just make a hog want to go to rootin'? 343 views and 2 replies, what does one glean from that? At very least someone could have told me to shut-up, sit-down, and hold-on. Is it that 340 of my brothers agree with me (no way) of 340 Marines anywhere, anytime they will have 340 opinions about the price of eggs in China. How about, no one gives a hoot, one way or the other. That dog won't hunt "greater than the love of a Mother, is the love of one drunken Marine for another".
I'm missing GTC, he would have snatched me back from the brink of stupidity. I feel like I am looking into the abys and see myself looking back, all alone. Scratch that, way too mellodramatic for this croud. Maybe PAS, was what it was, and is what it is and I should just get a grip. If PAS has run it's course, I will make it ok with me. Although I'll hate it.
Woops! Have I failed to observe some chain of comand? In that case, this Sgt. is prepaired to stand before the Mast, Chin up Chest out.
Roy M. Pitt

The time, the inclination, and the where-with-all

Posted : 2006-09-08 20:21
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

A green smoke zone, come on in.

Guess my invite to discuss your thoughts is meaningless? Am most certain, what I know of this forum, our opinions will never be viewed and counter viewed., You have my email addy. Shout on Sgt!

Hooper 🙂

Posted : 2006-09-08 23:05
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Roy Pitt post

Need to talk? I am here either on the NOTAM Board or my e-mail. I did not get to go to FW (the one that's been close to me). Spent the time in the hospital again, the AK round I took is slowly killing me. Petty hit that nerly ripped off my leg below the knee, but all the associated effects; pnemonea, gangren, and ostiomilitis. I was an eary bird with Hmm-163 in '62. I am a history buff and did go on to get degrees and actually taught college for 10 years.

James Mansfield

HMM-163 1962

Posted : 2006-09-09 13:49
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

e-mail from Roy

How do I start? Well, this is going to be so fragmented that you will never get the gist of what is bothering me. Here goes.
I was running around at the hangar in FW doing chores, when I saw a guy walk up to one of the 46's. He reached out and touched is skin, lowered his head, looked up to see if anyone was looking, and walked on. At that moment I wanted to pull up a chair in the shade of 155426 and just watch our brothers take in the show that OBA had worked so hard to provide.
In the course of that weekend I got 6 words with Mike Amtower and a wave from JD at check-in Thur. "too much to do, on time".
Got home Sun. night at 11:00 pm and took a break. Went to the NOTAM to get an after action from all the guys that I missed. I don't know how many PAS members were in FW, but our website looks like maybe not more that 6. It leaves me with a question, where has everyone gone and how did I miss it (the Exodus).
Ok, so I thought, well lets take it up a notch. Maybe the guys will chime in and we can move on to all kinds of stuff, like back in '02. You, me, Slick and Tom is that it? 343 views and it is Tom, Slick, and Me have they gone out on a limb in replying at all? I got to tell you that I wish I hadn't started this at all. I'm really dreading the answer to what has happened to us.
Sir: I am truly sorry about all this.

Thanks Roy

Posted : 2006-09-09 15:05
Posts: 125
Estimable Member


This year was strange one for me, as well. Due to pre-established business commitments which I could not change, I did not register for Popasmoke and was about to be absent for the first time since 1998, or 1997 if you count our first HMM-262 Old Tigers Reunion in Las Vegas. I had returned to Houston late Thursday evening and was "grumping" about the house when my wife insisted to know what was wrong. I promptly complained (rather loudly) that my Marine brothers were gathered just up the road, in Ft. Worth, and I was going to miss seeing my buddies at the Popasmoke Reunion and my squadron dinner. She did not hesitate in asking why I didn't just get in the car and be on my way! My excuse was that I had to meet with a client on Saturday afternoon who was just passing through Houston and, I was on a flight out on Sunday. I also said that one lousy afternoon and evening were not enough. She insisted that if this "thing" was so important for me, we should get up early and hit the road. This way, we we could at least make it to the afternoon Old Tiger's Board meeting, the Squadron Dinner, maybe even spend the night and return the first thing in the morning for me to be back in time for my afternoon meeting. Four hour drive each way, just to spend 18 hours in Ft. Worth?

It was a GREAT idea! This very short "insert and extract" has helped me understand just how important these reunions are, at least to me. Time was short and I was not able to attend any Popasmke activities, so I missed seeing many, many brothers with whom I would have liked to chat and extend my hand. But those brothers whom I did see, warmly welcomed us and I can honestly say that it was well worth the trip.

Whether we like it or not and/or admit it or not, we must simply accept that we are all a part of each other's lives - some to a greater degree than others - and Popasmoke is one of the organizations responsible for keeping that spark alive. But, in the end, we all share a tradition, a unique experience and a heritage. The camaraderie, the Vietnam experience or simply the Marine Corps Brotherhood connects us all in some way.

It may not have rejunvenated me (don't I wish!) but it did re-charge my batteries and I do not intend to miss another reunion.

Semper Fi -

Posted : 2006-09-10 12:37
Posts: 3130
Active Members

Reunion discussion- or lack of it....

There were lots of folks in Fort Worth for our reunion, and I didn't get to see very many of them. Probably my fault, but with us spread out all over town, there weren't enough hours in the day! I loved seeing EVERYONE in Pensacola and Reno, but this one wasn't the same. Not anyone's fault about the hotels, etc, it just was!
In recent years there has been a lot of discussion about saying what is on your mind and frankness, etc. Marines don't like, as a rule, to be told what they can or can't say, in my opinion. When these powers take hold, they ease back into the shadows and go their own way, where they can! That's my $.02 worth.
Still looking forward to Washington, D.C. in 2008! Hope we can all stay together there!! HMX tour anyone??

Posted : 2006-09-11 12:30
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

Squadron tents in a row on the beach are the best. Pensacola should be our permanent site for reunions.

Posted : 2006-09-13 02:01
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Amen to Pensacola. didn't make reno and SD was not too bad FW was a disaster the only time we all got togather was the dinners durning the day you might have run in to some one but every thing was too scattered (and no beer at the ready rooms:mad: what was that alll about)

Posted : 2006-09-13 06:07
Posts: 3130
Active Members


I would wholeheartedly agree, but those hotel owners see us comin' and put the screwes to us, it seems. Maybe with a 8 year absence (since 2008 is already scheduled) they'll be willing to "play better" with our group and the rates/benefits will reflect their change of heart for 2010!

Posted : 2006-09-13 08:07