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Hope you enjoy this short video. Sent to me by a H-34 driver.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

During the past 100 years, the Marine Corps has developed new aircraft and has formed aircraft squadrons, to meet their prime object: to support the fighting Marines on the ground. Marine Aviators…


New VID on youtube that was shown at ( American Airlines) Skyball 2012 in honor of the men of VMO-6 who made such a significant contribution to Marine Corps Aviation. A special thanks to Lt Col William Rasgorshek USMC who was principley responsible for the production of this vid along with an able work center assist from Col Ed Kufeldt USMCR Ret. I had the pleasure and honor of serving for a year in Vietnam with VMO-6 as a door gunner in a UH-1E Huey Gunship in 1968-1969 with some of the finest Marines to have ever served this nation.

Semper Fidelis

Posted : 2012-11-06 12:23
Posts: 4598
Active Members

Re: Vmo-6

Thank you Gary. Sounds also like we may have kicked some Quang Tri sand on each others boots back then.

Posted : 2012-11-06 19:26