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THE MARINES, airing Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 9:00-10:30 p.m. ET on PBS,
examines the unique "Warrior Culture" of the smallest but fiercest branch of
the U.S. armed services. With significant access to Marine Corps training
facilities in Parris Island, South Carolina; Quantico, Virginia; and
Twentynine Palms, California, THE MARINES reveals what it takes and what it
means to be a Marine - from the first moments of a recruit's arrival at boot

THE MARINES offers extensive coverage of the often grueling Marine Corps
training, including the Martial Arts Program, confidence course and intense
rifle range instruction. The program also demonstrates how the Marines
evaluate and shape their future leaders with the rigorous Officer Candidate
Leadership reaction course and infamous "Quigley" exercise.

More than 30 current and former Marines of all ranks, authors and military
correspondents were interviewed to tell the story of the rich history,
traditions and continuing importance of the Marine Corps and the warrior
ethos it instills.

"How the Warrior Culture is engrained and how it sets the Marines apart from
other armed services branches are critical aspects of Marine development and
understanding," said producer/writer/director John Grant. "This program
offers an in-depth and unvarnished look at the rigorous physical and
psychological training employed to create this tenaciously loyal, highly
skilled breed of combatant ready to defend country and comrade at any cost."

Other segments of THE MARINES focus on the Wounded Warrior Barracks in Camp
Lejeune, North Carolina; the new Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, Virginia;
and women in the Marines. The program also travels to the country's largest
Marine base in California, where Marines are seen training in mock Iraqi
villages just weeks before deployment overseas.

Posted : 2007-02-20 08:41