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This Can't Be Happening

19 Posts
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An article of interest...
Some people just don't get it!

A Disturbing Meeting at the Gym

Posted : 2011-01-09 08:47
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

People like the writter of that articale make me wanna puke ! who do they think pays for their right to speak and write freely ? Wally I 'm gonna stop writing before I say what I really want and THINK and get kicked offa PAS ! sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-09 09:20
Posts: 4598
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Go ahead and say what you want Lurch - that's what WE and not HE fought for!

Posted : 2011-01-09 09:30
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Thanks Brother Dale ! just a little more. Kudos to that young man for wanting to serve his country !!! as for the ladies you wouldn't be heard to well through your veils in an Islamic country ! nor would the writers disagreement with goverenment policies be tolerated . We Americans had better wake up and smell the coffee ! If that writers thought process is the result of seats of higher learning, I'm glad I never got a degree !sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-09 10:19
Posts: 592
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Open discussion here is fine, but would suggest also letting the authors know your thoughts is probably an additive way to tell them exactly how you feel.


Posted : 2011-01-09 17:29
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

You are right Sir ! and I will do just that ! thank you ! sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-09 18:03
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

I've gone to the site, and tried to post my thoughts on lindorff's, 'this can't be happening', but there is no place to send anything. Its a one way street. The contact us, doesn't work. I highly doubt they would put on site what I have to say about him, or them. If, and/or when I can post to them, I will. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-01-09 19:54
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Same here Ace ! but I'm not supised in the slightest ! that guy might still be getting his orders from MOSCOW !

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-10 07:06
Posts: 4598
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Mon, January 10, 2011 7:58:40 AMmeeting at the gym
From: Dale Riley Add to Contacts
To: thiscantbehappeningmail@yahoo.com


So those that have put on the uniform and taken the oath, made out a check to the country payable up to and including their life, are disturbed?
I fought and bled for your right to say that and show just what kind of human being you have turned out to be in your smug world.
Many good young men have died for your right to say what you want. It only disturbs me that you and not they can procreate, but hopefully your son will develop into an American despite you. Sgt. Dale A. Riley USMC 1966-1970

Thanks for the email link Slick. I tried to keep it short and civil.

Posted : 2011-01-10 08:03
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

I agree Lurch, Dale. Linderoff there lives in his own little private world where its good for the innocent people over there to kill, and torture their own people, and feels we should leave the poor innocent people alone. Little has he thought about his head ever falling into a basket by those innocent, wonderful people over there, when they start doing it over here. When I was getting my Bachelor Degree 22 years ago from a College 70 miles away, you could not even say 'Vietnam', or you were kept at a C at best. In american History it just didn't happen, at all, no dissucion of it period. Its those same little people that were spitting on us, etc., that we are dealing with even today. I doubt this fine person is not much over 38-41 y/o, and its typical of his generations mind set. I too hope in spite of him, his Son will grow up, and be a man knowing he should do what he can to defend all we stand for, even his single cell minded Daddy to say whatever he cares to say about we who have fought and are still dying to keep us Free. He believes he is an authority, but far from it. Kids actually believe him. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-01-10 09:23
Posts: 4598
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Touched a nerve in this jerk!

: meeting at the gym
From: Dave Lindorff Add to Contacts
To: Dale Riley


Don't be such a self-righteous assholed.
I'm not saying the kid is disturbed. I'm saying I'm disturbed that a recruiter can go into a highschool and talk 17-year-old kids into signing on to become machine-gunners, with nobody to offer alternative ideas to them.

It's completely inappropriate. We know from scientific studies of the brain now that the brain isn't even completely developed at 17 or 18--it's shy 17-year-olds who commit crimes are generally tried as juveniles.

Yes, I'm disturbed.

I don't know which of America's endless wars you "fought and bled" in, but if it was anything later than WWII, in which my father fought as a Marine, your efforts had nothing to do with protecting my rights. There is not one war the US has fought since 1945 that had to be fought, and not one in which the US was remotely threatened.

So don't take any credit for protecting my rights. You made a decision to join, and all I can say is I'm sorry you made the choice you did and sorry you had to suffer for it.

It doesn't make you a better person than someone like me who had an 81 lottery number, refused to serve on principle, refused to take a student deferment and took the consequences as they came.

I know many good men have died, including a friend in highschool whose name is on the Vietnam monument who joined right before Tet because his mother pressured him to sign up, and who died two weeks after getting to Nam. But he didn't die for me. He died for a stupid policy that was basically about politicians not being willing to admit they were wrong, so they kept sending more people into the meat-grinder. His death was a waste of a young life. That's all.

As for your comments about me and my son, you can basically go fuck yourself, you self-righteous jerk.

PS My father agrees with me completely about the uselessness of all these wars.

Posted : 2011-01-10 12:31
Posts: 4598
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

And I tried to be the CIVIL one:rolleyes:
This guy is bustin blood vessels, I wonder if he has PSTD? More likely a PHD:p

Posted : 2011-01-10 12:35
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Dale, seems the ole boy is a bit older than thought. He certainly can not spell. I'm not going to get banned because of a person like him. I believe his dates are a bit off. If he had a friend get it in a paddy, and he has a 17 year old son, he started his family at a late date. Bet he traded his long hippie hair in for a shaved job to be cool. On the comments deal, he needs a mouth washing. Saying things like that will blow his dignified phoney reputation. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-01-10 13:22
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Ace ,Dale, Thats how these phoney educators talk or phoney journalists in this case ! he sounds like he is trying to justify his guilt for being a gutless coward ! We went to war because we had treaties with our allies against a common enemy.we gave our word something this jerk has no idea about and I bet that's a bunch of bull about his daddy being a marine ! I'll give ODDS he doesn't know who his father is !!!

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-10 14:57
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Hey Dale it's PTSD,but he probably does have PSTD PolySexallyTransmittedDiseases ! LOL sfkc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-10 16:01
Posts: 4598
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Lurch: From the book of Riley:)
PSTD - Post Schooling Thought Disorder
PHD - Piled Higher and Deeper

I do have to respond later - he sent me THREE responses already! Talk about a tight trip wire:eek:

Posted : 2011-01-10 20:44
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Dale hate he has singled you out. He picks on you, he is picking on us all. Don't like that. He is a looser, and just hate he is ruining the lives of Quality young men, women in joing a Military Service that would benifit them more than they realize. I wonder if his tampon is in the right place? He didn't buy his way out of Vietnam, so I would believe he put the skirt on with high heels, and a wig, and played the hairy Twinkle toes act. Hope he goes else where and doesn't bother you anymore. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-01-10 21:24
Posts: 420
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

Reread the "draft dodgers" reply to Dale again. he says we didn't have to fight any wars after WWII. I guess we were supposed to let the commies just take over the world ! It was Idiots like him that Kruchev was counting on to take us from with in ! I'm sure him and hanoi jane would have made a lovely couple with jane wearing the pants ! the commies ain't dead ,once in a while one like lindork raises it's ugly head !

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2011-01-10 21:44
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Re: This Can't Be Happening

I agree completely Lurch. I would re-assess my situation if I was him, as there are people that will put him and the many others like him on a stick like they are going to do the congressmen. They say a promise, they blasted well had better carry it out. Last week showed that. Many nut jobs have had it with them. There are more nut cases out there, and it has the reps, and senators scared as going down in flames. They already trying to pass an emergency law,'you can't cuss, or critize us, or you go to jail'. Just what do they have to fear from us, if they are doing what we voted them in for? Bet, even as tragic as tucson was, they will start doing as we say, not what they want because of it. This bussiness of getting elected on certain promises, and then voting the illegals in, keeping the health care, just the opposite of what they were elected to do, is going to stop and suddenly. I say this as my 1st ammendment right of free speech, and Just my belief. Bet we loose our guns over this very sad, I hope isolated happening. They know most of them have wronged us, and are plain scared. I would be too. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-01-10 22:21