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Share The Burden

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Posts: 189
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We love you all, love you all. Some of us just don't know how to show it.

Share the Burden
Thich Nhat Hanh

As long as there is no communication, there is no insight or compassion, and you will continue to suffer. Non-veterans do not understand veterans, and they refuse to listen to you. You know the truth about war, but you have not been able to share your insight with them. You have suffered so much, but you have not been able to find ways to tell people about it, and they have not been ready to listen...

When you went to war, you went for the whole nation. The whole nation was responsible for what happened there, not you alone. Your hand was the hand of the whole nation. If you made mistakes, the whole nation made mistakes. If you went to war believing you were doing something important – trying to save a people, fighting evil – it was not your thinking alone; it was the thinking of the whole nation. You were sent there to fight, destroy, kill, and die. You were not the only one responsible. We cannot just shout at you and say, "You did that!" We all did it collectively.

Posted : 2007-03-01 22:54