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Operation Freedom Bird

2 Posts
2 Users
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Attention members in Arizona! This may be known by many but this FNG was pulling duty at the Popasmoke hooch for the first time this year and I saw lots of hats come by with "Operation Freedom Bird" on them. I ask and found out they bring 50 vets a year to the wall. What a great idea and organization is what I say. If you're in Arizona or know someone there please pass the word. http://www.operationfreedombird.org/Home_Page_L4EZ.html

Posted : 2010-11-12 14:45
Posts: 0
New Member

Operation Freedon Bird

Dale do they just provide the Air travel, or do they pay for everything? It'd be nice if they did have a complete package for sure. When I was there during a Reunion, I spent all my time at the wall, and Arlington as mentioned before. Thats with a few Squadron events as well. I plan on moving my Father to Arlington. He was a POW of the japs from Batann, and was sent to nagasaki, for coal mine labor. His name was 'OKIE'. Any live Battan Survivors should ring a bell. I'll be there as well. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-12 18:48