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Old pay table
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Old pay table

4 Posts
3 Users
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New Member

Thought you might be interested in seeing what you earned years ago.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

Old military pay tables. Look back at the pay you received and compare it with todays rates......


Posted : 2010-09-21 19:17
Posts: 0
New Member

Not old enough !!

It about 7 years short. My pay started Apr 1942. I remember it was $21.00 a month. Cant recall from there to 1949 where this chart starts. Do find the final E 7 Pay 1963 $378.00. Hard to leave those big bucks πŸ™‚ SF

Posted : 2010-09-22 01:08
Posts: 75
Trusted Member

Old Pay-

My father enlisted in Marines in 1940; and was sent with 2nd Engineers to Hawaii to start building new facilities. He was at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th. Survived and served in the Corps thru WWII thru Korea and was called back for Vietnam. Very interesting on the changes in pay over time.

Posted : 2010-09-22 08:55
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Dollar a day!

That's where the expression "another day, another dollar" comes from...It's ALL they made!!!!!

Posted : 2010-09-22 11:02