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New Hawaiian Island...
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New Hawaiian Island Monument

5 Posts
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On the news this day our First Lady visited a newly named Hawaiian Island dedicated to the Gooney birds & seals. This places them in the benevolent hands of our Government> Surprise:eek: that was Midway Island,scene of the Battle of Midway turning point in the Pacific war. Not a word was mentioned of that small? event! My friend Harry Asbury was a rear seat gunner in an SBD during that battle & ended up swimming with those seals when his Carrier was sunk. They often spoke of the funny antics those Gooney birds performed trying to mimic the A/C taking off. They were a great problem being all over the runway when the A/C took off & landed. I am sure Harry & others will be thrilled to hear the news of the new Monument that they fought for in WW2. Even our old Gooney Bird C47 are gone now. I last flew in them at MAG-36 Okinawa to Atsugi back in the 1970ies. Like to place one on top of the new Monument on that Island:) SF PM

Posted : 2007-03-03 17:50
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

New Memorial

I was just curious as to Mr. Harry Asbury. Was he a Sikorsky Tech Rep assigned to HMX-1 late 60's early 70's? We had an Asbury that lived in Florida and Cousteau did a TV program on a Dolphin he had called Dolly. Just wondering. As for Midway, They can do what they politically want but as Marines we will never forget what our fathers did.

Posted : 2007-03-15 11:28
Posts: 0
New Member

Harry Asbury

Yes Harry was the Senior Sikorsky Rep at HMX-1 at least two tours. He was the first one there and than came back later for another tour. He was also in Vietnam with the CH53 unit. Dont remember which year. SF PM

Posted : 2007-03-19 15:24
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Gooney birds.

When I left my det in Korea in 1976, it was a gooney bird (USMC) that provided my ride back to Okinawa.


Posted : 2007-03-28 00:23
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Thanks, Next time you see him tell him Bill McMillian said Hi. I was in HMX from 68 to 72 and traded him a bench vice for an old Scott Atwater outboard. Got it running good and it lasted about 10 years. he was one of the best tech Reps I have ever known......Semper Fi...Bill McMillian

Posted : 2007-04-10 09:50