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Harley-davidson Fatboy Motorcycle Raffle

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On 30 July, 2004, a few hundred folks from all walks of life, gathered in a fun night spot, The Seville Quarter,in Pensacola, Florida, hoping to be the lucky one, to go home with a 2004 Harley Davidson, Fatboy motorcycle.

It was the annual raffle drawing, benefiting New Horizons of Northwest Florida, a local support group for disabled children.
The event is sponsored annually, by the Marine Corps Aviation Assn, and supported by Marine Aviation Training Support Group, NAS Pensacola, commanded by Colonel David “Cubby” Baraclaugh.
Johnny and I, threw in our support by helping to sell raffle tickets.
It was a win – win situation for everybody.

At best, you got a $17,750.00 motorcycle for a $100.00, at worst, you got a $100.00 tax deduction for donating to a great cause, supported by our active duty, fellow Marines.

You had a one, in 300, chance of winning. Try that at Reno!
The drawing process was real neat. All 300 ticket stubs went into the tumbler. Then an official, drew the tickets, one by one, the names being read by ROCK 106 Program Director, Dan McClintock, and then, stuck on the countdown board.

The last 20 were drawn, and all of those 20, in attendance, got to go fondle the Fatboy. Then, the last 20 were retumbled, and the process of elimination began.

#17 on the countdown was Jeff Luhrsen, son of Ugly pilot, Dave Luhrsen, from Sarasota, FL.

#4 on the countdown was Dan Drumm, HML-167, from Nicktown, PA.

Wally Beddoe, Don Ferguson, and Kimo Andrews, all made it to the next to last round, the top 40!

Johnny and I were cheering for all of our folks to get down to the home stretch. A local gal ended up winning, but was not present.

I would like to personally thank all of the folks in our Association, that bought raffle tickets, and helped make this event a huge success. Again, the Marine family at its best, and, again, the Helo Bubbas contributed significantly!

Semper Fi, and, Better luck next year!
Frenchy & Johnny

Posted : 2004-08-02 09:18