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This was sent to me by Don Soper, a former pilot of HMM-263 ('65-'66). I thought you might enjoy it. Just a reminder for you left coast Marines, the air show at Miramir is this weekend. Hope to see you there.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67


Real Gunny's think Lieutenants should be seen and not heard and never, ever, be allowed to read books on leadership.
Real Gunny's don't have any civilian clothes.
Real Gunnies don't remember any time they weren't Gunnies.
Real Gunnies propose to their future spouses like this; "there will be a wedding at 1000 hours on 29 October, be there in blues with our gear packed because you will be a prime participant."
Real Gunnies favorite food is shipboard SOS for breakfast.
Real Gunnies don't know how to tell civilian time.
Real Gunnies call each other "Gunny."
Real Gunnies greatest fear is signing for property book items.
Real Gunnies dream in Marine Corps scarlet and gold, cammy earthtones, and occasionally green.
Real Gunnies have served in places that are now war memorials or tourist attractions.
Real Gunnies can find their way to the SNCO club blindfolded, on 15 different bases.
Real Gunnies have pictures of weapons in their wallets.
Real Gunnies don't own any pens that do not have "property u.s. government" on them.
Real Gunnies don't voluntarily get the mandatory flu shots.
Real Gunnies don't order supplies, they swap for them.
Real Gunnies think excessive modesty is their only fault.
Real Gunnies last duty station was always better.
Real Gunnies know that the black tar in their coffee cup makes the coffee taste better.
Real Gunnies idea of heaven: three good Sergeants and a Lieutenant who does what he is told.
Real Gunnies think John Wayne would have made a good Gunny, if he had not gone soft and made a Seabee movie.
Real Gunnies use the term "Good Training" to describe any unpleasant task. Policing the parade deck is "Good Training" and having to sleep on your sea bag in the parking lot because there are no racks is "Good Training."

Posted : 2005-10-12 19:18