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From an email Comment for Visions Image #4512 Title Paul Fitzgerald

1 Posts
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Posts: 550
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By: Colleen Fitzgerald

Comment: I am the oldest child of Paul Fitzgerald. It is correct that he passed away due to cancer from Agent Orange poisoning in 1993. It is NOT correct that Paul's ashes were spread by his friend Chip Breese, although we would have loved for Chip, a dear friend of our family, to have been present. We, Paul's family (his wife, two daughters, son and some friends) spread his ashes into the water in Virginia. Gene wouldn't know because he could not be bothered to visit Paul in Tampa where Paul died in the care of his loving wife, our mother, Pat. Gene was also not present at the spreading of Paul's ashes. I welcome contact from any of my father's friends as I know very little about his time in Vietnam. Dad came back a broken man and the demons of that war haunted him until he passed away. Our mother passed away last year at a very young age as well. We know they are finally together in Heaven, free from the pain and turmoil that clouded their life on earth. Sincerely, Colleen Fitzgerald.

Photo #4512 Paul Fitzgerald can be viewed here: https://www.popasmoke.com/visions/image.php?source=4512

Posted : 2009-02-03 17:25