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Putting this out for consideration.

Original message:

Good Afternoon,

My name is Andrea Bailey and I was given your information from the Red Cross in Wilmington. I have a Marine who had his first child born at 23 weeks gestation, on Monday, May 12. My Marine and his wife were sent to New Hanover Regional from Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital, due to the gestational age of the child when she went into labor. The baby boy is in critical care in the NICU at New Hanover Regional, but so far he is continuing to beat the odds and make small victories forward. The Marine is stationed at MCAS New River in Jacksonville, NC and lives on Camp Lejeune. With their child in critical care, the parents understandably want to be as close to him as possible and staying at their home an hour away is too far to commute. The family is currently staying at the Hospitality House across from the hospital; they have been so kind and provided the family with very low rates for staying there. Through donations from the child's grandfather and Operation First Response, their first 3.5 weeks have been covered. Our concern is they're nearing a time when they will start being required to pay out-of-pocket for their lodging. Unfortunately the insurance will not assist with the lodging expenses, gas, or food, due to the hospital being less than 100 miles from their home (it's approximately 70). My Marine is a young Lance Corporal and does not make enough money to cover their stay or the gas to commute every day to the hospital. What I am looking for is ANY help, no matter how small, to help this family stay close to their child while he is in the hospital. The Hospitality House has offered to lower the room rate $5 for every week they stay; this week is $25/night, next week will be $20/night, etc. until the rate hits $10, at which point it will remain at $10 a night for the remainder of their stay. The doctors anticipate the baby will not be released from the hospital until September at the earliest. Once the child is released from the hospital, we have programs through the Marine Corps which will help the family take care of their child's special needs. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Again, any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Very Respectfully,

Captain Andrea M. Baile
HMH-464, Adjutant

Comm: 910-449-5185
Cell: 404-375-4589

Support for this young Marine and his family can be made thru http://www.gofundme.com/kingstonguttryhall

Posted : 2014-06-02 21:25