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Derek Hale

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Gunned down in Virginia after serving in Middle East.

Anyone see this? I don't recall seeing it in MSM. Very disturbing regardless of his choice of associations after service.


Posted : 2007-04-06 21:11
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Are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy because he once was a Marine? IMHO...People reap what they sew in life. This young man made some real bad choices after he left the service and the results were trajic to say the least. Blog sites like the one referenced here have an agenda that I don't happen to share. May his soul rest in peace.

Posted : 2007-04-09 15:21
Posts: 550
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One Man's Opinion

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy because he once was a Marine? IMHO...People reap what they sew in life. This young man made some real bad choices after he left the service and the results were trajic to say the least. Blog sites like the one referenced here have an agenda that I don't happen to share. May his soul rest in peace.

I have to say that what you say is but one man's opinion, yours. Not knowing all the circumstances you sure are jumping to a lot of conclusions.

Posted : 2007-04-09 16:52
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Just the facts, please.

In this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The blog site that I listed is not one I am familiar with. There are several stories about the incident, one in particular covers it in detail, look in the Wilmington News Journal.

Hale's family filed suit and it lists the particulars in detail;


Whatever emotions you feel, or don't feel, are irrelevant to the matter. Only the facts matter.

I am glad that this wasn't my son who is the same age as Hale. Hale paid the ultimate price for what may, or may not, have been a youthful indiscretion. He is not being judged on his choice of association.

I cannot think of anything to say. Stevenson said it best and I will leave it at that.

Posted : 2007-04-09 18:43
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I have to agree with Brook on this one. Just cause you join a motorcycle gang doesn't make you a bad Apple. I ride and I respect all my brothers on the bikes. Got to know the person before you pass judgment.
Maybe if the cops knew he was a Vet they wouldn't have been so quick to pull the trigger.
It's a shame they shot him while he was being tasserd:(

Posted : 2007-04-09 20:27
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what may, or may not, have been a youthful indiscretion.

His right to ride with whom he wished was his business. MANY vets that I knew very well rode with some "undesirables" after RVN and separation from their service. Maybe their form of protest the war or the inaction of others to actually try to win it! Was this man feeling similarly? Certainly his right to do so, if he did. No matter, they all should be treated fairly!
Heck, I ride every year with Larry Zok, and we haven't been shot at yet, right Larry?? (just kidding Larry)
Now, IF he was in a "Gang" and doing "Ganglike" activities, then, shame on him...he didn't earn that right, in my opinion.

Posted : 2007-04-10 06:20
Posts: 189
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From what I understand, he was there by invitation to participate in the Pagan's Toys for Tots drive for which they were publicly commended.

Additonally, by all accounts, he was well-liked, decent, and as neat a person as his picture shows him to be. The pdf of the suit filed and the Wilmington article give great detail about him personally.

I have known some bikers who were the most honorable and decent people you'd care to meet, and some regular, church going, pillar of the community, suits who were just the opposite. Can't always judge a book by its cover, the good guys don't always wear white hats, and as my Dad used to tell me, "Walk a mile or ten in someone's shoes before you even think of judging them."

He didn't deserved to be gunned down like that. Period.

Posted : 2007-04-10 13:19