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..contributions and sacrifices of the rotory airwing personnel in Vietnam

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From: Ben DeCraene - Benjamin.J.DeCraene@snapon.com
To: Wally Beddoe
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 1:32 PM
Subject: RE: Visions photo 276 comment


Dear Mr. Beddoe,

Thank you very kindly for posting my comments on your website! Upon returning from the SEMA show in Vegas last week I downloaded four messages from squadron mates of my uncle. Without your site and your kind assistance this would have not been possible at all. I must say, I am truly amazed at the amount of knowledge and history contained in popasmoke. As a former Marine myself, I am awe struck by just how much I didn't know about the contributions and sacrifices of the rotory airwing personnel in Vietnam. I have always respected and had a certain afinity for helo pilots and crew but the insight gleened from the efforts of yourself and your collegues has truly enlightened me as to the commitment and courage that goes along with handling the stick and collective when it counts the most. Speaking with the men who lived, ate, laughed, cried, worried, worked, fought alongside and were the first to mourn the death of my uncle and his fellow crewmembers has given me a great deal of insight into who and what type of man he was. If there is a way for me to repay you in any way, I expect to hear from you.

Ben DeCraene

Posted : 2005-11-08 16:46