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Chopper: A history ...
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Chopper: A history of American military helicopter operations ...

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert F. Dorr
Date: Mar 19, 2006 7:32 PM
Subject: Helicopters in combat

* * * * * * * * *

The following is from military author Robert F. Dorr (Bob). Please pass
it along. Bob's excited about his new book:

"Chopper: A history of American military helicopter operations from
World War II to the War on Terror."

by Robert F. Dorr

(New York: Berkley Caliber Books, 2005)


"Chopper" is a beautiful, new hardbound book (100,000 words and 100
photos) that covers U.S. helicopter pilots and crews in combat from the
very beginning straight up to today's headlines. The cover price is $
24.95. Bookstores and amazon.com are offering "Chopper" at discounted

What's different about this history of rotary wing combat is that the
story is told in the first-person, in the words of the men (and one
woman) who were there --- from the first, primitive Air Commando R-4
combat rescue in 1944 to a battle between Marine AH-1W Cobras and Iraqi
tanks in 2003.

There's a new and different look at the battle of Ia Drang Valley in
the words of men who flew UH-1D Hueys, and it covers events This is a
story of helicopter pilots and crews in rescues, in covert operations,
and in straightforward, point-blank fighting. There are extended
segments on Medal of Honor missions. The first-person memoirs in this
book cover all military service branches.

You can also get a personally inscribed copy by contacting Bob
---robert.f.dorr@cox.net, or (703) 264-8950) --- and sending him a
check for $ 30.05 (that's the undiscounted cover price plus priority
mail postage plus a penny). If you're planning to do that, send Bob an
e-mail message first.

Robert F. Dorr
Oakton VA

Posted : 2006-03-19 19:55