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BGEN Jerry Ward USM...
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BGEN Jerry Ward USMCR Aviation Chair at ROA-Wash,DC

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Fellow Marines. The attached note from Col Jerry Johnson is one you all
need to read as it concerns the establishment of a chair named in honor
of the late BGEN Jerry Ward. Please take the time to read the attachment
and take appropriate action. Thanks for your consideration in honoring a
great Marine Reserve Aviation General Officer. Happy Birthday to all of
you ! Semper Fi, Will Holahan Col USMCR(Ret.) 202-646-7727.

BGen Jerry Ward began life in Lima, OH in 1942 and went on to graduate with honors from Bowling Green State University. He was an Academic All American football star, Who's Who in American Colleges & Universities and began towards a pro football career.

Jerry, however, chose to pursue a burning interest in aviation and entered the Marine Corps in August of 1966. Shortly after flight school, he went directly to Vietnam, where he was one of the first Huey gunship drivers (and most distinguished - two single mission Air Medals - plus 1,250 combat missions / Distinguished Flying Cross - twice / and a Purple Heart. After active duty, he opted to transfer to the Reserves at NAS Norfolk, VA flying the CH-46. Later, he transferred to NAS Alameda, CA to fly CH-53s and later command HMH-769. His final tour was as Commanding General of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing before he retired in 1997.

His very successful civilian occupation was with Reynolds Metals where he was the Western Territory Manager. He loved his horses and was an accomplished cutting horse breeder and rider. Another of his loves (and successes) was his "ranchette" - first in Tracy, CA and then in Lockeford, CA - where he unexpectedly died of a massive heart attack in May, 2001.

Jerry (a.k.a. Coach / Big Jerry) profoundly influenced the lives of everyone who ever knew him. He was widely regarded as "one of the best Marine Officers that I've ever known". Many of us benefited immensely from his sage council and mentoring. His leadership by example inspired many to achieve much higher levels. His superb piloting skills, knowledge and experience challenged everyone who flew with him.

It is fitting that one of this legendary stature is permanently honored and remembered. With Carol Ward's very enthusiast response and permission, we are going to establish the
at the newly renovated Minuteman Memorial Building, Symposium Room, Washington, DC
the Headquarters for the Reserve Officers Association - whose current Executive Director is
LtGen Dennis M. McCarthy, USMCR (Ret).

Friends of "Big Jerry's Kids" (and all others) wishing to participate should make their tax deductible donation to: THE MINUTEMAN MEMORIAL BUILDING CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND - and mark it FBO THE WARD RESERVE AVIATION CHAIR. We are asking that your minimum tribute be $100. Please send to: Col Will L. Holahan III, USMCR (Ret) at The Reserve Officers Association, One Constitution Avenue, Washington, DC 20002. This will assure accurate record keeping and proper acknowledgement of your tribute.

Please spread the word, or use this note anyway you think necessary to achieve our mission to name a chair in Jerry's honor and memory.

Semper Fi,

Col Jerry Johnson, USMCR (Ret) - "Little Jerry"

Posted : 2006-11-13 15:01