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1 Posts
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Posts: 592
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Below are a number of administrative announcements.

1. November newsletter should be in the mail from the publisher. We had a number of "bad addresses" identified by the USPS as well as 200 plus address changes (some without forwarding addresses.) If, within a reasonable time (10 days) you do not receive the newsletter and you are an active member (dues paid or active duty) notify LZ at admin@popasmoke.com

2. Based on a proposal and approved by the Board of the Directors the Association name has changed to USMC/Combat Helicopter & Tiltrotor Association. The Association's name has evolved through the years to accommodate changes in Marine Aviation squadron designations. Although the Association’s name has changed numerous times, the mission statement has remained the same - “This Corporation shall preserve and promote the camaraderie of those U.S. Marine Corps Pilots, air-crewmen and associated support personnel who were associated with Marine Helicopters & Tilt Rotor Aircraft”.
The legacy of the Association was established the 1st time Marine rotor blades turned, Added to by contributions of Korea and Vietnam Marine Combat Helicopter Aircrews and it continues to be built upon through service of post Vietnam Helicopter and Tiltrotor crews and support personnel. With the retirement of the Battle Phrog and transition/full fielding of the Osprey, acknowledging the change and including Osprey crew and support personnel warranted the Association name change.

3. The Board of Directors also voted to establish our own scholarship Program separate from the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (MCSF) where we have funded four scholarship endowments.
MCSF as well as the USMC/Combat Helicopter & Tiltrotor Association Scholarship program are both options for dependents of members to apply for scholarships.
Application for 2015-2016 academic year, Eligibility, and FAQs are posted on the "Scholarship" page of the website.
2016-2017 academic year applications will be available approx. April 2016.

Posted : 2015-10-31 22:34