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A Corpsman's Le...
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A Corpsman's Legacy

1 Posts
1 Users
Al Chancey
Posts: 19
Active Member
Topic starter

Today I visited the Freedom Hill PX and discovered Stephanie Hanson’s new book “A Corpsman’s Legacy”. Most of you don’t know Stephanie or her incredible story. She came into the Popasmoke community several years ago desperately searching for information about her father, who was KIA while flying medevac missions with HMM-364 before she was born. Her search became a crusade to honor her father, and then a mission to help others navigate the emotional mine field that was Vietnam. In the process she melted the hearts of a whole bunch of crusty old Marines, and was adopted into the Purple Fox family. Stephanie began her journey searching for one father, who was already lost to her, but found more fathers than she ever could have imagined among those lives she touched along the way. Her book is the story of that journey, the seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the surprises, the raised hopes, the disappointments, the heroes, and the joy of a mission accomplished. The bonus is that you come to know one amazing young lady. Through this book Stephanie has honored her father in ways that no award or decoration could, and by extension, has honored all Vietnam veterans

Posted : 2006-07-13 22:31