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7 december 1941
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7 december 1941

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Got this from Paul. Not sure who else was on distribution, but thought I'd share

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Paul is a true American hero

This day 72 years ago I was a Copy Boy at the Associated Press at 11 th & E St in DC. Big pay $17 a week, boarding house in Arlington at $6 a week . Two meals & a bed. This was Sunday & I was on duty with my Telatype machines. I kept them in paper & filed the incoming stories from all around the world. Sent some out through the vacuum tube system to the local News papers & filed copies. Suddenly the message from Honolulu came in about an air attack on the harbor & bases. I thought it was a hoax & demanded "Adtake" which was confirmed Like almost every one I wanted to join & fight those Japs I went to 8th & I Marine Hq and was advised to come back with my Fathers consent at my 17th Birthday which was couple months later. Than on a train to PI began a 51 year journey which traveled through WW2, Korea, Vietnam and several other Operations. I had many Brothers at each of those periods but none that was there in all those places . As someone told me asked me where was my contemporaries ? Thinking on that I replied "when you locate one I want to meet him" . I had many for each event but none that was at all of them. I alw ays felt blessed & privalged to have been there and any small amount I may have contributed. Certainly I had no claim to the over used term "hero". Just a priviledge to have been there It is a privalge to be here now with you Brothers that certainly contributed more than I in the actions you endured God Bless you all & it is still "Happy Christmas" in spite of this confused PC world Semper Fidelis Gy/Msgt Moore

Posted : 2013-12-07 20:20
Posts: 3132
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Re: 7 december 1941

Yes he is, Slick!!

Posted : 2013-12-07 22:59
Posts: 4415
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Re: 7 december 1941

OoohRaah! Great story Bro!

Posted : 2013-12-08 06:46
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Re: 7 december 1941

1941 - The Wake Island defense force defeated an attempted Japanese amphibious assault,
sinking two enemy destroyers and damaging three cruisers, two destroyers, a destroyer-transport
and a transport. Marine losses were a handful of wounded.

VMF-211 Wildcats sank the Japanese destroyer Kisaragi during the defense of Wake Island.

Marines defending Wake Island turned back a Japanese invasion fleet. Capt Elrod & my friend
TSGT Bill Hamilton was flying two F4F Wildcats that were left after the ground attack.
They did part of the damage to the Japanese fleet. Bill kept those two A/C flying as
maintenance chief using parts from damaged A/C.

As a TSgt pilot and maintenance chief he did an outstanding job that he was not properly credited for.
Probably because Capt Elrod didn't survive to write him up. SEMPER FIDELIS PM ....> Bill is my idea of a Hero that does what is required when faced with a situation !!! He was in Vietnam, when I was there in 1966. He was attached to the Army Crane unit. Bill graduated as a Sgt NAP in 1937. He retred a Capt after WW2 & has been deceased years back. Semper Fidelis PM

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Posted : 2013-12-13 17:14
Posts: 3132
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Re: 7 december 1941

Great stories from you about the flying Sergeants, Paul!! Keep 'em coming!!

Posted : 2013-12-14 05:56
Posts: 0
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Re: 7 december 1941

Joe here is another good NAP now deceased was POW in China 1948/1950 .>>>>.1948 - The US Army General directing the military advisory group in China reported that the Nationalist Army was no longer making effective resistance to the Communists and could be expected to lose control of the country. At that time my Friend and former classmate Msgt Pete Bender in NAP Training was a POW of the Chinese. He & a Navy Chief were captured when his L5 landed. He was prisoner until about May 1950 just prior to the Korean War. His wife raised so much hell in Congress He was released & returned to Cherry Pt where I was than stationed. He was retired in Tustin CA where he managed the NAP Flying Peon Reunion Group. They closed out several years back.. Pete was deceased couple years back . SF PM

Posted : 2013-12-15 17:46