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pilot shot between the eyes but ...

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A HERO Chinook pilot was shot between the eyes by a Taliban bullet - but flew on and saved all 20 aboard.
by d.larcombe@the-sun.co.uk

Flight Lieutenant Ian Fortune, 28, had flown in to pick up casualties as a firefight raged between American and Afghan forces and heavily-armed rebels near Garmsir in Helmand Province.

Ian - who had TV presenter Mike Brewer on the aircraft filming a documentary - was advised to hold off on approach to the battle as it was "too hot" on the ground.

He circled until troops reported incoming fire had calmed down.

But as Ian flew in the helicopter came under attack - which continued as casualties were being loaded.

Then as he lifted off Ian was shot.

A bullet hit a metal rail on the front of his helmet which is used to attach night vision goggles.

The round then penetrated his helmet hitting him between the eyes. It knocked his head back and caused severe bleeding.

More bullets followed, hitting the Chinook's controls and shutting down the stabilisation system.

But with blood pouring into his eyes, Ian battled with the controls to stop the chopper from spiralling out of control.

Then with the aircraft lurching from side to side he continued flying for eight minutes before landing at Camp Bastion.

Ian was taken to the field hospital and treated for his wound.

It is the first time in the nine-year war in Afghanistan a pilot has been shot while in the air.

One senior RAF source said: "This could have become one of the worst incidents of the conflict.

"If the bullet had hit the pilot a millimetre lower, those on board wouldn't have stood a chance.

"And had it not been for the skill of the pilot the result would have been the same."

TV's Mike, 41, who was with a crew from the Discovery Channel, said: "The courage and heroism of the pilot was beyond belief."

Read full article with photos:

Posted : 2010-03-06 11:31
Posts: 0
New Member

Beyond belief ??

It shows good training & the ability not to panic!!! I believe any Pilot or Aircrew here would likely do the same thing if he were concious. Otherwise what could you do ?? Other than throw up your hands & kiss your Butt goodbye . The Capt that landed in the Hudson river could very well have paniced. Not to detract from what this Pilot did, just that I believe many of our guys would have did the same thing. In fact I know first hand they have . SF PM

Posted : 2010-03-09 16:29
Posts: 99
Trusted Member

I'm I missing something here? What did the other pilot do while the wounded pilot was flying the A/C ? Don't Chinook's have two pilot's?

Larry Groah

Posted : 2010-03-12 19:53
Posts: 0
New Member

Did wonder?

Sounded in the article like he was the only one . If he had a Co Pilot sure dont sound like he was utilized:eek:

Posted : 2010-03-13 01:19
Posts: 4608
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Maybe the co-pilot was FNG and still learning the ramp controls. But most likely it was because Ian was a "pilot" and we all know how THEY can be;)

Posted : 2010-03-13 06:34
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Minimum crew for CH-47 is 3: two pilots and a flight engineer. In combat it should be 5 or 6 with addition of 2 door gunners, and in some cases a ramp gunner. Allyn Hinton, Army Reserve CH-47 pilot 1995-2002

Posted : 2010-03-13 09:59
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

This is an RAF aircraft. The same people that flew the Avro Lancaster over Berlin, at night, single pilot, only one set of controls.

Since Waterloo, they have lost every war they have fought. The sun set on the British empire about 60 years ago.

Maybe, they are still short of volunteers!

Semper fi

Wayne Sutter
Fighting Mad 1 - 4 Actual

Posted : 2010-03-13 12:07
Posts: 3133
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I saw an awesome video of a Canadian pilot flying the snot out of his CH-47! Looked to me like he had a co-pilot in the left seat, just like we do. You may have a valid point or two, but the Lancaster drivers knew that their chances of returning from their bombing mission were not great, while the Chinook driver is hauling other folks and gear, not like the English suicide missions. Don't forget, Hinton knows a little something about Chinooks and their procedures!

Posted : 2010-03-13 18:05