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People must stick to course to find success

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By Dan Baker
The Oklahoman

After a tour in Vietnam as a Cobra helicopter pilot for the Marine Corps, I was privileged to be selected to command the first Cobra detachment sent to sea.

Under my charge were two "J-model” Cobra helicopters, a co-pilot and 10 crew members. We were attached to a full squadron of CH-46 helicopters aboard the USS Guadalcanal (an LPH, which is an acronym for Landing Platform-Helicopter); it's simply a small aircraft carrier. We were to cross the Atlantic, sailing from Jacksonville, N.C., toward the Mediterranean Sea.

As we passed through the Strait of Gibraltar heading toward our first port of Naples, Italy, I stood on the deck of the ship and watched as dozens of speedboats raced around and around on the placid waters. We, on the other hand, were proceeding toward our target at the seemingly snail-like pace of 15 knots. It occurred to me that, although the speedboats were much faster than our behemoth of a ship, and although they were expending much energy, they were getting nowhere. We, on the other hand, had our objective in sight and would arrive on schedule.

The metaphor should be clear. An example is this column I am writing. As I sit here at my computer, it is one of those rare Oklahoma days in February of 70 degrees and light winds. Being a self-avowed golf nut, I could be on the course right now. Just like those speedboats, I would be expending energy in an activity that was getting me nowhere.

Because I have "set a course” to write this column each week, I must choose to monitor my actions in order to achieve my "port of call.”

What goals or objectives have you set in your life that are just sitting there because you're too busy being a speedboat? Oh, you go to bed tired at night, but have you really accomplished everything you intended to do?

We don't need more hours in the day to accomplish more of what we desire. No, we simply need to keep a close watch on the activities we find ourselves in. Have you ever talked on the phone for an hour while you could have been doing something worthwhile?

We all waste time daily. Some of that is OK, but not if it's costing you your dreams.

Keep your eyes on your objective and your hands on the helm, and you will surely reach your destiny. It may take longer than you wish, but you will arrive! Now, if you'll excuse me, there's just enough time for me to catch the guys on the back nine. Carpe diem!

TIDBIT: If you want to be a success, continue to look for work even after you've found a job.

Dan Baker is a nationally known speaker and trainer from Oklahoma City. His Web site is www.DanBaker.ws.


Posted : 2008-02-10 14:08