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Next President's Tricked-Out Supercopter

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Next President's Tricked-Out Supercopter
Thought the members of the association would like to read these article on the new Marine Corp One


Posted : 2007-10-19 08:37
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Why not the MV-22??

I've been thinking...dangerous for me, but why not the MV-22 as the next Marine One?? It will certainly lift all required and it's speed would make the trip to Camp David or Andrews most expedient. Maybe after a few more years of a proven track record, but the idea appeals to me, especially since we build them in theis country!:D We spoke about all of the available variants when the selection was being made, but nobody thought to mention the venerable Osprey!

Posted : 2007-10-19 14:00
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Why not the MV-22??

I've been thinking...dangerous for me, but why not the MV-22 as the next Marine One?? It will certainly lift all required and it's speed would make the trip to Camp David or Andrews most expedient. Maybe aftetr a few more years of a proven track record but the idea appeals to me, especially since we build them in theis country!:D We spoke about all of the available variants when the selection was being made, but nobody thought to mention the venerable Osprey!:cool:

Posted : 2007-10-19 14:00
Ray Norton
Posts: 322
Reputable Member

How Quickly...

..we gain stature.

Merriam Webster defines venerable as

"3 a : calling forth respect through age, character, and attainments"

I submit that the Osprey has earned this description specifically the character and attainments part.


Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2007-10-20 11:35
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Next President's Tricked-Out Supercopter

You might be able to throw age in as well. I rode in a test model in 1992 at the test facility just south of Arlington, Texas. Even in my old age, that math works out to 25 years! Granted, that isn't 25 years of active duty, BUT, it isn't like this is it's first rodeo either!!

Don't squat on your spurs & Semper Fi - Duke Dearing

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way" - Semper Fi - Duke

Posted : 2007-10-20 16:20