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Never Forget
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Never Forget

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We can never forget what happend on September 11, 2001. I participated in a motorcycle ride today called "Rattling the Runway" in rememberance of the 2 planes that left Dulles and crashed in PA and the Pentagon. The ride ended at the Pentagon where I searched the Memorial Garden until I found the bench for William (Baby) Ruth (HMM-363 Vietnam & Popasmoke Member) who was killed sitting at his desk. We lost another member at the WTC as a Battalion Fire Chief (JD - I can't remember his name, please help & edit this post).

They survived VietNam only to be killed by some idiots with a twisted vision of Islam. We can never forget!!!

Posted : 2009-09-13 20:45
Posts: 0
New Member

Riding High

Larry Zok;24057 wrote: Marines

We can never forget what happend on September 11, 2001. I participated in a motorcycle ride today called "Rattling the Runway" in rememberance of the 2 planes that left Dulles and crashed in PA and the Pentagon. The ride ended at the Pentagon where I searched the Memorial Garden until I found the bench for William (Baby) Ruth (HMM-363 Vietnam & Popasmoke Member) who was killed sitting at his desk. We lost another member at the WTC as a Battalion Fire Chief (JD - I can't remember his name, please help & edit this post).

They survived VietNam only to be killed by some idiots with a twisted vision of Islam. We can never forget!!!

Good Ride Larry ! We all can take it to heart for most that come to the site will always remember. had a cousin that was out there in DC to sight see and
met many from all over the country. He said "its very emotional to see this whole place" He is a vet but never had gotten out there to see for his self.
God Bless you all for being there.

Posted : 2009-09-13 21:47
Posts: 0
New Member

Never Forget

The Fire Fighter from New York that was killed at the World Trade Center was Battalion Chief Joe Grzelak. Although he wasn't a current member of the Association I decided to honor him anyway and we made a donation in his name as we did with Bill Ruth. I'm not sure what squadron he was with but will find out and post it.

Posted : 2009-09-14 09:25