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MCAS Miramar HMM-161 achievement

3 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leone SSgt Kimberly S
Date: Feb 11, 2008 5:22 PM
Subject: Stories for your consideration from the 8 Feb. 2008 Flight Jacket

Of interest to the aviation community, this week in the Marine Corps Air Station Flight Jacket, the Greyhawks of HMM-161 took the spotlight as the achieved a milestone in aviation safety. We also herald the dedication of a retired 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing sergeant major as he continues to teach honor, courage, and commitment well after his retirement. And we take a deeper look at the support provided by the flying squadrons' munitions sections.

If you have any questions or would like more information about a story, please give me a call.

SSgt. Leone

Staff Sgt. Kimberly S. Leone
Distribution and electronic media chief
MCAS Miramar Public Affairs

"It never hurts to ask."

Greyhawks reach 60,000 mishap-free flight hours
Marine Corps News story by Lance Cpl. Austin Goacher

Former 3rd MAW Marine passes knowledge
Marine Corps News story by Lance Cpl. Fredrick J. Coleman

Munitions section supplies squadrons with explosives
Marine Corps News story by Lance Cpl. Melissa Tugwell

Posted : 2008-02-11 22:18
Posts: 0
New Member

Hmm-161 1951

I remember 1951 when 161 was formed & shipped out on a train to San Diego for Korea. That was from hangar one the rail tracks were just in back through the bean fields. I was in VMO-2 which had also just formed after we trained in HMX-1 at Quantico. We were the first on LTA later MCAF. Guess the base is no longer but maybe the Hangar is. And 161 marches on. Wonder if there is any old 161 men in this Group that were there than?? Expect most are long gone. Some memories are hard to discribe as they were "good Old Days" & never to be again!! Semper Fidelis, Old Brothers, PM

Posted : 2008-02-11 23:20
Posts: 0
New Member

Hmm-161 1951

As I posted before 161 was formed at El Toro & LTA (later MCAF) where they departed in 1951 on a train from Hangar one to San Diego for Korea. That was a memory I have from VMO-2 as we were the first aboard LTA (later MCAF Santa Ana). It is good to see they are still in the arena & performing as an out standing unit. Is there any of that original unit still on this site? SF PM (hope tis will be posted!)

Posted : 2008-02-12 04:39