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March 17 Gathering ...
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March 17 Gathering of Eagles

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I don't care for anyones stance on the war, pro or con. I do not think that either side should use the Wall for political gain. To that end:


Posted : 2007-02-11 21:17
Posts: 3132
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Wish I could be there to assist! Wishing you and the other Nam Vets all success in your defense. I have NO DOUBT that you will prevail!

Posted : 2007-02-12 07:07
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

Larry and all.

From Sgt Grits website....

From the Park Service:
Veterans, family and friends;
In response to the concerns expressed in the message below, I contacted Robin Owen (Person in charge of issuing event permits for the National Mall area) of the National park Service via telephone this morning and was very convincingly informed and assured of the following:

1. There will be a 300 yard perimeter comprised of double snow fence barriers with an ample number mounted, foot police, riot reaction squad nearby, and intelligence personal on scene, to ensure that the conditions of the permit granted to the antiwar activists are not violated. E.G. the assembly point is in an appointed area on the eastern end of the grounds (Knoll) and will they will not be allowed in the proximity of the wall. A Similar exclusion zone applies area and approaches from Constitution Ave. So net effect ... no protesters within 300 yd's.

2. That ALL laws will be vigorously enforced and prosecuted in terms of any violence, vandalism,or, threat to public safety. This was stated emphatically.

3. About an hour later, I received a phone call from Sgt, Booker of the Park Police saying he had been asked by Robin Owen to reiterate the policy and to reinforce her statements to me and answer any further questions I may have on the Park Police law enforcement polices.
Sgt. Booker stated even MORE emphatically that the Park Police consider the Wall as sacred ground, as we do, (As did Robin Owen) themselves, and that they WILL enforce any, and all laws, relevant to it's integrity. And, any concerns we may have stemming from the non-enforcement of the law by the Capitol Police last weekend are not relevant to his Dept. They WILL arrest and prosecuted anyone who breaks the law.

4. The Wall will be open for visiting to the general public as usual ... if any of you care to do so on that day.
Semper Fi

That seems to be an open invitation to vets to come visit.

Posted : 2007-02-12 07:52
Posts: 0
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Gathering of Eagles


A short note of thanks to you for taking the time to gather and post the information above. No one wants to see or hear of anything happening to the Vietnam Memorial. Or for that matter any of the others.
It's great to hear that the park service will do their utmost in keeping the protesters in away.
Thanks to Larry Zok, also, for keeping the members of Popasmoke informed. He is a vaulable asset to this organization.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 '66-'67

Posted : 2007-02-12 20:39
George Roods
Posts: 5
Active Member

The Wall

I have reservations for the 17th and will be as a member of Rolling Thunder chapt. 5.. It has nothing to do with politics. I have been to this Wall and the Wall South and copied names of those we served with. I didn't give as much as they did. But, I feel I should give as much as I can for their memory.

Posted : 2007-02-15 12:47
Posts: 67
Trusted Member

I know of quite a few cops up here in Massachusetts that are RVN vets and they are headed south on the 16th.

It's a shame that we are now revisiting 1970 all over again. Who would have thunk it? It seems the Jane Fonda/John Kerry ilk seem quite able to replicate themselves. Russia lost over twenty million people in WWII ------you don't see demonstrations at their war memorials. I wonder what the papers would
be printing and the media spouting if we lost twenty million folks here in USA?

Posted : 2007-02-22 22:46
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Those that visably oppose our wars.

Was at the "day before" opening of the wall in DC, way back when. Some mothers from a tour group were dropped off there by coincidence or accident, but the ensuing scene and open sadness will never permit me to see it again, whether it be the mini-wall, or DC in 2008.

As for protesting our wars, was never politically orientated while in the USMC. Didn't know my fellow Marines were garnering such thoughts, one way or another, henceforth am astonished to learn just how political my fellow Marines are now and apparently have been.

Am classified by public opinion to be a pacifist. Recently read somewhere that the best candidate for pacificism is the warrior. Hmmm! Who else could garner the experience to be of that judgement?

Am ever so proud of the marines met and known from my experiences...anything else is B.S.

Would like to take those fond memories with me to wherever Chesty is cutting my orders.


Posted : 2007-03-02 00:28