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Benefits of Therapeutic Riding

1 Posts
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Posts: 550
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From email submitted to Popasmoke by Karl Leonard, Roy Osborn:

Hello All,

Just wanted to know if someone could forward the attached brochure to the
right place to get visibility on this free program for veterans. This is a
specialized therapeutic horse riding non-profit group made up of some
retired Chesterfield Police officers and such. They are trying to get this
program, which is based off of a similar one in Texas, going in the
Richmond area. If you have any contacts you can forward this to I would
appreciate it. Thanks,



This is from one of my Reserve officers.

Can you pass this out to your contacts.

Sounds like the Richmond Veterans are stepping up to the plate.

There was a very similar program in Jacksonville, NC for disabled Vets
and mentally challenged children.

Worked great, especially with the kids.

Lots of success stories getting the wounded in heart and mind "back in
the saddle."



Col Roy A. "Ozzie" Osborn

See attached PDF file:

Attached files

image_3124.pdf (247.8 KB) 

Posted : 2007-12-04 21:39