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Benefits for Purple...
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Benefits for Purple Heart recipients

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FYI: This info appeared in the Camp Pendleton Scout a couple of weeks ago. It was complete news to me. Hope it helps someone to get the word out there. Ron Osborne

Benefits for Purple Heart recipients
by Lance Cpl. Lindsey Sides
Service members who have received the Purple Heart for injuries received in combat are entitled to benefits they may not be aware of.
In the state of California, dependents of Purple Heart recipients receive a tuition waiver for college undergraduate classes if they are residents of California and enrolled as full-time students.
“I’m fortunate to have my child’s education paid for,” said Charles R. Hargett, a Marine Corps Purple Heart recipient and retired California postal worker. “It’s a relief to know that my child or spouse can receive their undergraduate degree and it’s already financially taken care of.”
While dependents of recipients receive the bulk of educational benefits in the state of California, other states such as Florida, North Carolina, Virginia and Texas provide benefits for the recipient themselves.
The Florida Legislature and Governor Jeb Bush have been working since 1999 to make Florida a veteran-friendly state.
Undergraduate tuition for all Purple Heart recipients and other combat-related decorations superior in precedence to the Purple Heart is waived for Florida residents, according to the State of Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
Purple Heart recipients are also eligible for Department of Motor Vehicles benefits. In the state of California, recipients are eligible for complimentary customized license plates.
The customized plates assigned to the recipient will have the Purple Heart insignia inscribed on the plate, as well as the words “Purple Heart” and “Combat Wounded.”
To receive complimentary license plates, applicants need to provide valid paperwork that they are a Purple Heart recipient to their local Department of Motor Vehicles.
Disabled veterans are eligible to apply for disabled veterans’ license plates fee exemption and disabled veterans’ disabled person parking placard. The license plate fee exemption can be used for only one vehicle and waives all fees except duplicates. The parking placard allows the veteran to park in disabled parking spaces.
Each state has specific DMV benefits that a Purple Heart recipient or disabled veteran is eligible for. For more information regarding DMV benefits, service members should visit www.dmv.gov. Additional information regarding educational benefits can be found at the Veterans Affairs website at www.va.gov, or by scheduling an appointment at a local or state Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office.

Posted : 2006-11-13 22:32