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70Th anniversary Attack on Pearl Harbor

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I was just weeks before my 17th Birthday & working as "Copy Boy" at the Associate Press in DC. I was on duty that 7 Dec Sunday when the attack on Pearl harbor came in on my Teletype Machine. I couldnt believe it was true & demanded an ADTAKE . I than got my Father to sign for me and enlisted at HQMC 8th & I. in DC. I later had friends on Wake Island & other Islands that were POWs. I have often referred to Sgt Bill Hamilton 1937 NAP that was than a Tsgt Pilot & Maintenance Chief on Wake Island (4 years POW in the Japanese Coal mines). He retired a Capt & served with me in Vietnam in the Advisory Gp 1967. The last one was "Jap" Jamerson Msgt (Also on Wake Island) we served togather H&MS-16 1962/63 at Okinawa. Both of them passed years back. They made those years very personal as regards WW 2. My service was in the Pacific 1944/1945 New Hebrides , Caroline Islands & Okinawa. Semper Fidelis Gy///Msg Moore

Posted : 2011-12-06 00:57
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Re: 70Th anniversary Attack on Pearl Harbor

Thanks for your service and stories from same, Paul!

Posted : 2011-12-06 09:29
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Re: 70Th anniversary Attack on Pearl Harbor

MSgt Moore,

I remember "Jap" Jamerson from HMMT-301 at Santa Ana around 1967 when he was serving as a tech rep. He told several of us of his history as a "life lesson" when we were grumbling about some insignificant inconvenience. I have never forgotten how I listened in amazement and that I had the greatest respect for him from that day on.

He was every bit a gentleman and most certainly an outstanding U.S. Marine. I feel honored having the opportunity to know him.

Lowell Johnson (64 to 68)

Posted : 2011-12-07 18:43
Ray Norton
Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Re: 70Th anniversary Attack on Pearl Harbor

I was taught to never forget. I do my best to pass it on to others.

On a related matter, I had the priviledge of serving at MCAS Kaneohe for the 30th remembrance. I really have a problem calling it an anniversary. To me, an anniversary is a celebration.

I do not celebrate, I choose to remember and hopefully pass it on to those who seem to be forgetting.

You can never be too well prepared as we all know.


Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2011-12-07 21:40
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: 70Th anniversary Attack on Pearl Harbor

Ray' Anniverary is meant the number of years since an event took place . You can Damn well believe I dont consider it a celebration !! I was probably the first civilian on the mainland to recieve the news on my teletype in DC. I forwarded it to the Washington Post. While still at that job I recieved several imputs from Naval personnel complaing that they heard tapping for days & no effort made to enter the hull ! We often recieved input that was not forwarded to news papers. Can you imagine the panic in the on scene Naval Command to see very near their whole fleet sunk in their home port & facing a war. I suspect their entire priorty was to try & immediately recover any ships possible . The other item is they had the most advanced ship yard right there in Honolulu. It would appear they had the possibility of also penetrating the Arizona . I have visited the Arizona & it was one sad place !!! Semper Fidelis

Posted : 2011-12-08 01:01