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With a population of 475 residents / 6 KIAs Vietnam

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What town lost the most KIAs in the Vietnam War?

With a population of 475 residents, the Beallsville, Ohio community gained the unfortunate distinction of having suffered the highest known per-capita casualty rate during the Vietnam War. Six Beallsville men, all under the age of 21, were killed in action in Vietnam between 1966 and 1971, a profound tragedy for this close-knit community. In 1969 Beallsville citizens worked with congressional representatives to prevent further loss of life, to no avail. Five other Monroe County men lost their lives in the conflict as well, magnifying the loss for one of Ohio's least-populated counties.

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George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-09-20 19:45