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UH-34s at MMAF in &...
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UH-34s at MMAF in '68

9 Posts
5 Users
Posts: 46
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Does anyone recall which squadrons were flying UH-34s out of Marble Mountain during the summer of '68?

I remember flying several missions as gunner on 34s during this period while I was assigned to H&MS-16. However, I've had no luck finding specific UH-34 squadrons at MMAF during this period.

After reviewing my military records on Wednesday, I learned that I earned my crew wings while flying with HMM-165 from July '68, through Dec '68 as a gunner. However, my recollection is that I flew exclusively in UH-34s during that period, not CH-46s which was the 165 aircraft.

In Apr '69 I was transferred to HMM-165 on my extension tour. However, I was transferred out (to HMM-263) at the end of Jul '69 when 165 was rotated back to Okinawa.

I'm still trying to reconcile my history in VietNam while I still can. The pieces are starting to fall together, but there are still some details that are missing. This forum has been a great help in pulling it all together.


Merlin Clayton

VietNam: April, 1968 - Nov 30, 1969

H&MS-16, HMM-165, HMM-263, HML-167, VMO-2

Posted : 2011-02-17 09:47
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Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

As far as I can make out, HMM-361 were the last squadron to operate UH-34D's out of Marble Mountain in early 1968.


Posted : 2011-02-17 10:19
Posts: 3132
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Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

The UH34s had M-60 machine guns while most all 46 squadrons had already gon e to the .50 cal. You should clearly remember carrying the .50's to and from the bird....they were pretty heavy! HMM-165 had both, but by Spring of '68 we had .50's all around as I recall.

Posted : 2011-02-17 12:21
Posts: 320
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Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

UH-34 squadrons at Marble Mtn 1968 (from the Popasmoke Chronology)
H&MS-16 Jan-Dec
HMM-363 Jan-Feb
HMM-361 Mar-Apr
HMM-163 May-Aug
HMM-362 Sept

It looks like H&MS-16, 163 and 362 were the only 34 squadrons at Marble during the summer.

Posted : 2011-02-17 16:29
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

HMM-163 was at Marble Mountain When HMM-362 arrived at Marble in Sept 1968. 163 disbanded in about October. 362 stayed at Marble until December 1968.

KD Logue

Posted : 2011-02-18 09:56
Posts: 46
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Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

Anyone recall the engine specs on the 34? ...what kind of fuel did they burn? ....diesel?


Merlin Clayton

VietNam: April, 1968 - Nov 30, 1969

H&MS-16, HMM-165, HMM-263, HML-167, VMO-2

Posted : 2011-02-18 13:40
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

Thanks KD for setting me straight! Since I reported to HMM-163 in Dec 1968 at LTA I thought they had been gone longer than that.

Posted : 2011-02-18 16:22
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Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

Regarding the '34's engine specs: they were Wright 1820 engines that used 115/145 AvGas [ aviation gas]. The AvGas was colored [ purple for 115/145] so you knew what you had. Next lower grade was allowed in an emergency but you were not supposed to pull max power since lower grade might cause detonation and ruin the engine [ and your day]. If the old brain cells remember correctly, next lower grade was 90/110 and colored red. 115/145 hasn't been available for years [ gov't regs- like Sunoco 260 for your hot car disappeared], so all the old 1820's you see flying [ T-28's, S-2's, etc. ] are using the lower grade with power additives and lower power settings. The sound of those 1820's, even with the low grade, still gets the adrenaline going great though. Hope this helps. Semper Fi. Joe H

Posted : 2011-02-19 10:48
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: UH-34s at MMAF in '68

Sorry about previous but for some reason the word color got deleted regarding the tint of the gas: purple for 115/145 and red for 90/110. Joe H

Posted : 2011-02-19 10:53