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National Gepgraphic Documentary

2 Posts
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Troops - just passing on this message in hopes that many of you will have the chance to see this documentary tomorrow night.

Semper Fi
Kreig Loftin
Crew Chief


On President's Day, Monday, February 18, the NGC, will play a three hours special. " Inside the Vietnam War."

Last night about 300 Vietnam Vets were invited guests of the National Geographic channel, for a special viewing of the documentary movie. It was both gut wrenching in its clarity and honesty. The footage is interspersed with vets who were on scene at the time and very well done. I met several of the them, especially the great visit I had with POW Navy Cdr. Paul Galanti. Met some great folks as well. Only Charley Schwab took me up on the offer to request an invite. I can assure you the drinks and food were equally as good. Terry Moran, host of ABC's NightLine was our host and did a spectacular job - no kidding!

I hope and pray that you will pass this notice on to all your friends to watch this documentary. It will help to explain the WAR to loved ones and friends. All agreed it was very well done since it is from the Capt/Private level - not the political level, except as politics led to battle actions. While the movie starts at the beginning with the "advisors" it really gets started with the battle of Id Drang Valley. Good focus on TET which I happened to participate in and thence on to the final stages. One word of warning, if a loved can not stand looking at battle casualties in the raw, maybe they should not watch. The documentary is real war where real people are getting wounded and killed. HP Smith was my boss in Vietnam and I do not have his E-mail address and I
hope someone will pass this on to him.

George Keegan was the DCS/I under Spike Mommyer.

Desi Arnaiz


Virginia Systems, Inc


Kreig "Hip" Loftin

HMM-262, Combat Helicopter Association

Posted : 2008-02-17 19:01
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Good show

I caught it! I hesitate to use the word good to describe it, but it was an excellent documentary.

The footage was extremely graphic and someone pointed out to me that some of the stuff was shown on the nightly news back then. Perhaps that is what the public needs to see more of, up close and personal, to ensure that our citizens and armed forces are only called up for just, clearly-defined military objectives with proper funding, materials, and preparedness.

Thanks to the vets that very publicly shared their stories with the world.

Posted : 2008-02-19 09:25