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The Secretary of the Navy takes great pleasure in presenting the
MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION to the oficers and men of


for service as set forth in the following


For meritorious service while participating in disaster relief
operations in the Republic of Vietnam from 29 to 31 October
1970. Typhoon KATE struck the lowlands of Quang Nam province
on 25 October 1970 with high winds and torrential rains which
continued for five days. By 29 October severe flooding placed
thousands of Vietnamese civilians in imminent danger of death.
The helicopter and support squadrons of Marine Aircraft group 16
responded to this impending catastrophe by mounting a dring aerial rescue mission/operation. Plans were laid in a mater of hours, resulting in rapid commitment of the taotal resources of
the Group in a race against he rising water. Launching into extremely adverse weather, the helicopter crews sought out
and rescued over eleven thousand people from the devastating
flood. They fflew these missions in constant and heavy rain and operated under a 300-hundred foot ceiling in visability which was
seldom more than one-mile. Hovering with maximum loads in high winds among dangerous obstacles, inches above the
raging water, they showed superb aeronatical skill while pulling
the exhausted and frightened flood victims to safety. Throughout
this magnificant operation the crews flew at low altitudes and reduced speed. Although subjected to intense, vicious, and accurate enemy ground fire which struck fifteen rescue aircraft,
they continued their tasks in a proud display of dauntless courage. The consummate skill and dedication of Air Group
maintenance personnel resulted in rapid repair to damaged
aircraft, enabling the rescue to proceed unhindered. The un-precedented intensity of flight operations placed a heavy burden
on every support function of the Air Group. These supporting
Marines rose to the challenge with outstanding determination and
efficiency. The selfless dedication and outstanding effectivness
of the officers and men of Marine Aircraft Group 16 in successfully completing this resue operation was in keeping with the highest
traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Servic.

For the Secretary of the Nave

Leonard F. Chapman Jr
Commandant of the Marine Corps

I discovered this while doing records review for the VA.
John Bell

Posted : 2003-07-14 04:14