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Marine Corps could barely maintain Helicopter Pilots

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This comparatively rosy situation proved short-lived, and by autumn the Marine Corps suffered a severe shortage of naval aviators, particularly helicopter pilots. To alleviate this shortage, the Marine Corps resorted to a number of expedient personnel actions, including again involuntarily retaining aviation officers, using ground officers to fill aviation billets, and sharply reducing the number of naval aviators attending professional schools.

Despite the Marine Corps' efforts, the pilot shortage of 1966 persisted into 1968, making it impossible to man squadrons in Vietnam at their wartime strength;the Marine Corps could barely maintain the normal peacetime manning level. Helicopter pilots still constituted the most critical shortage. In addition to fighting a war at peacetime strength, the pilots of the 1st MAW found themselves tasked to support Army and allied units in I Corps. By January 1968, despite the fact that the Commandant was under the impression that the III MAF "had everything it rated," the 1st MAW found itself forced to standdown pilots, particularly helicopter pilots, to let them get some rest.

June of 1968 found the Marine Corps still short roughly 850 naval aviators, a shortage that spilled over to Vietnam.' In July 1968, the 1st MAW calculated that it needed 703 helicopter pilots to meet its requirements. The manning level authorized 644 pilots; 606 were actually on board. Of these, only 552 were available for flight duty. In December 1968, the number of pilots in the 1st MAW finally reached the manning level, but only after the manning level was reduced to 581 pilots. The number of helicopter pilots in the 1st MAW available for flight duty remained at less than 80 percent of requirements into 1969.

The Naval Air Training Command, located at Pensacola, Florida, could not train enough Marine helicopter pilots to bring the units in Vietnam up to strength. In June of 1967, Marine officers destined to become fixed-wing pilots began reporting to Air Force bases for flight training. This freed Marine quotas at Pensacola which could be used to train helicopter pilots.75 The first 15 pilots graduated from this program in June 1968.

A similar program with the U.S. Army attacked the shortage of helicopter pilots directly. In January 1968, the first Marines arrived at Fort Rucker, Alabama, for rotary wing pilot training, with the first pilots graduating in October. Marine officers trained by the Army and the Air Force then reported to Marine training groups for further instruction, including shipboard landings, before qualifying as naval aviators.76 By June of 1969, 155 Marine officers had completed Air Force flight training and 150 had completed Army flight training.77*" Even with these programs, in early 1969 the Marine Corps had to order a number of fixed-wing pilots to transition to helicopters to fill the cockpits in Vietnam.

In addition to the pilots, the Marine Corps had difficulty finding enough enlisted Marines to maintain and repair the aircraft in Vietnam. It took a long time to train a Marine in the skills needed to maintain aircraft, so the Marine Corps only assigned men on four-year enlistments to these specialties. This policy created a shortage of aviation maintenance Marines in the Western Pacific and an overage in the United States.

As with most other occupational fields, the Marine Corps needed to train large numbers of first-term Marines in aviation specialties to maintain the flow of replacements to Southeast Asia. Most of these men spent a year in training, and then a year in the Western Pacific. Unlike most other specialties, however, upon returning from overseas aviation Marines still had two years left on their enlistments. These Vietnam returnees created overages in the United States and counted against total strength, reducing the number of new recruits that could be enlisted and sent overseas.

Despite this problem, the Marine Corps managed to exceed the enlisted manning level for aviation units in Vietnam, although it still fell short of the adjusted table of organization (T/O).

Although Headquarters, Marine Corps tried to send enough replacements to each major unit to keep its subordinates up to their manning level, the final distribution of replacements rested with the field commanders.

For a complete discussion of helicopter pilot availability and training during the Vietnam war, see Fails, Marines and Helicopters 1962-1973, Chapters 4, 11, and 12.

For a discussion of the origins of the pilot shortage and the steps taken to correct this problem, see Shulimson, U.S. Marines in Vietnam 1966, p.262.

Page 570 (1968: The Definitive Year)

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-11-04 17:02
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Being Marines

You would be surprized at the number of enlisted men who served two tours or extended thier tours in the Nam. Most of us did so out of our loyalty to our brother Marines, the grunts. We knew the huge difference between State side maint. & Battle Damage. Also as in any trade, haveing combat tested gunners & crew chiefs was a huge advantage. Besides, as a Marine, combat is what you have been trained for. I'ts just what we do. I'm sure our officers felt the same way. S/F ED

Posted : 2003-11-04 18:59
Posts: 0
New Member

Well, to a degree, Ed. I was sure I wouldn't make it through the first tour.

When, to my surprise, I made it home, gung ho as I was, I didn't want to push the odds by going back.

If I swagged, I figured I'd be going back, so when that decision point came, I opted out and took PCS orders for CivLant.

Posted : 2003-11-07 00:34
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Mr. Egan

Don't blame you one bit. I was wild back then & knew I would never expiernce such a thing again. I also never said I was real smart, as the Tomball Bunch can verify. S/F ED

Posted : 2003-11-07 17:11
Posts: 0
New Member

Marine Helicopter Pilots

The Marine Corps should have extended the MARCAD program. There were some d--n good pilots that came out of that program.

I probably flew over 1,000 missions and that was in less than 11 months. I spent 6 weeks in the hospital, a week at JEST school and a week of R&R. I flew more night time hours in country than day time hours. When I got back to ConUS I trained many more pilots for duty in RVN.

The prior enlisted MARCADS also had gone through Boot Camp and ITR. This helped when the turns happened to drop to zero and "Grunt" duty was in order. I can still hump an M-60 with the best of them.....




Posted : 2003-11-07 17:36
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Two Tour Marine

I would like to add to the sentiment about the two tour enlisted men, and those who extended their tours. I for one did a 'young' tour with VMO-6, coming home after 2 Christmas' in-country. When I got to Camp Pen, it became painfully clear, I had more to offer.
I enjoyed training new mechanics and Crew Chiefs, but I felt with the lessons learned on my first tour, I still had a lot more to offer, plus, as it has already been so well said, Combat is what we were trained to do, and there is something kind of hollow about a 3 mile run, in spit shined boots.
I am proud of both of my tours and proud of the squadrons I served with and the great pilots and Crew Chiefs I had honor to work with. As far as the MarCad pilots, they were the greatest.
You hear that Bobby-boy
Semper Fi

S/Sgt Rick Ault

VMO-6 '66-'68

HML-367 '69-'70

Posted : 2003-11-10 19:36