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John Wayne?

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Found, in Sgt. Grit's Newsletter:

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of getting together with a guy I hadn't seen since we graduated from boot camp with Platoon 145 in September of 1962 at MCRD San Diego. Henry 'Hank' Glees and I spent a couple of hours, swapping stories about boot camp and our time in the Corps. Turns out we both served a couple of months over four years and got out within five days of each other. Hank went to Sea School after graduation and spent a couple of years on one of those small aircraft carriers (I forget the name). He said he met John Wayne and brought a copy of the picture he had as proof. He gave the copy to me and I would like to share it with you. That's Hank just over the Duke's right shoulder. The time frame is sometime in 1963 or 1964 and the place is on a flat-top out of San Diego bound for Hawaii.

The Few. The Proud.
Jerry D.

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Posted : 2009-02-05 10:09
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

uss kearsarge summer 1964

John Wayne was aboard to film scenes for the movie "In Harm's Way".

Posted : 2009-02-05 10:53
Posts: 4
New Member

The ship was the USS Kearsarge CVS - 33. Launched 5 May 1945 by the New York Naval Shipyard, New York; she was still in service as of August 2008.

"Kearsarge sailed for Pearl Harbor in 1963, arriving 29 April to once again take part in the space program. The carrier repeated her earlier recovery by plucking astronaut Gordon Cooper on 18 May 1963 after he orbited the earth 22 times in his capsule "Faith 7." She returned the space hero to Pearl Harbor,then departed 4 June on her eighth cruise to the Far East. Operations with the 7th Fleet included keeping watch on the unsettled problems in Southeast Asia. Kearsarge returned Long Beach 3 December, for training exercises off California."

According to Hank, during the sail to Pearl was when The Duke was onboard.

Posted : 2009-05-06 13:48
Posts: 41
Eminent Member


Sorry to have to inform you of this, but the USS Kearsarge CV-33, was not still in service in 2008.

The USS Kearsarge that is in service is the LHD-3 (Wasp Class LHD) http://www.kearsarge.navy.mil/site%20pages/History.aspx launched in 1992.


Posted : 2009-05-06 20:41
Posts: 4
New Member

phrgflyer;23206 wrote: Jerry,

Sorry to have to inform you of this, but the USS Kearsarge CV-33, was not still in service in 2008.

The USS Kearsarge that is in service is the LHD-3 (Wasp Class LHD) http://www.kearsarge.navy.mil/site%20pages/History.aspx launched in 1992.


Those sneaky squids. Re-using the name and inadequate research is what I'm blaming. πŸ™‚ It may look like I'm trying to weasle out of my mistake but it really did pass through what I call a mind these days; That's a long time for a ship to stay active and why would an aircraft carrier be on a humanitarian mission.

If I can limit it to one F-up a day, I'm doin' good.


Posted : 2009-05-07 12:04
Posts: 41
Eminent Member


Semper Fi



Posted : 2009-05-07 15:42